THE SEARCH FOR TALENT based on the Economist Oct 7th-13th 06
Words, words, words intangible asset brainpower attracting and retaining talent balance of brains & balance of power ageing population attrition rate employee loyalty job security commitment diverse workforce telecommuting immigration widening inequality
Language focus (prepositions) (They were told) that the average quality of candidates had declined % since A decline....standards in manufacturing industry is slower than elsewhere. These jobs now account... 70% of the jobs created since These jobs now make... 70% of the jobs created since the number of people aged is projected to fall... 7% in Germany, 9 in Italy and 14% in Japan.
(They were told) that the average quality of candidates had declined BY 10% since A decline IN standards in manufacturing industry is slower than elsewhere. These jobs now account FOR 70% of the jobs created since These jobs now make UP 70% of the jobs created since BY 2025 the number of people aged is projected to fall BY 7% in Germany, 9 in Italy and 14% in Japan.
Language focus (incl. question-making) The old battles for natural resources are being supplemented by new battles for talent. Churchill might have added that the battles of the future will be battles for talent. (They were told) that the average quality of candidates had declined by 10% since No sooner had the bubble burst than many former masters of the universe were begging for work. (No sooner... than... – INVERSION!) The more countries and companies compete for talent, the better the chances that geniuses will be raked up from obscurity. (THE + COMPARATIVE..., THE + COMPARATIVE…)