Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About It Authors ◦ Allan & Barbara Pease Thesis: ◦ Biology and evolution are essential elements in the formation of male and female identities
GENDER How do men and women differ? o “It is obvious to a woman when another woman is upset or feeling hurt, while a man has to physically witness tears or a temper tantrum or be slapped on the face before he even has a clue that anything is going on.” ( p.19) o “Brain scans reveal that men feel emotion as strongly as women, but they avoid showing it.” ( p.95) o “If a woman is unhappy in her relationships, she can’t concentrate on her work. If a man is unhappy at work, he can’t focus on his relationships.” ( p.136) o “When a woman talks about her problems, a man continually interrupts her and offers solutions. He can’t help himself because his brain is programmed to do this.” ( p.141)
Men & Women Men and women are different even without societal influences ◦ Why? Biology Evolution Can we overcome these differences? ◦ YES, but it may be difficult
Sensory Skills Who is better? ◦ Sight? ◦ Hearing? ◦ Body Language? ◦ Touch? ◦ Interpersonal Relationships? Why do we see these differences?
Talking & Listening Girls speak sooner and generally have larger vocabulary ◦ Why? Men use language to solve problems and women use it to build relationships ◦ Stereotypes about “strong silent types” and “gossips” Women can speak and listen at the same time, men cannot Who talks more? Speech impediments
Spatial Ability Men have better hand eye coordination and more easily perceive distances and depths Male brains develop sooner because the right side of their brain grows faster Consequences: ◦ Women in math and science? Video games? Sports?
Thoughts, Attitudes, & Emotions Girls like people, boys like things When stressed, women talk, men don’t ◦ Why? Women are better at multi-tasking ◦ Their brains are better connected ◦ Men compartmentalize information
Testosterone & Sports/Aggression Boys are more aggressive and competitive ◦ Stereotype for female athletes? Boys that are physically active are less likely to commit crime
Sexuality Women seek mental connection ◦ estrogen ◦ Bonding, talking, etc. Men respond strongly to visual cues, seek physical pleasure ◦ testosterone ◦ Implications for advertising? Men are at their sexual peak in their 20s while women reach it in their mid to late 30s!
Practical Application Our educational system favors girls over boys ◦ Should we be concerned? Should boys and girls be able to compete with one another in athletic competitions ◦ Think about biological differences, socialization Studies show that women only make $0.77 for every dollar that men make ◦ Do men deserve that extra 23¢?
Group Activity - Skits Requirements for skits: ◦ Use at least 5 explicit gender differences from the Pease reading in their skit. ◦ All group members MUST participate (contribute to planning/research and have a role in skit) ◦ Skit should be memorable, funny, humorous, or thought-provoking ◦ Should be no less than 2 and no more than 5 minutes long.