with Jan Delay’s “Für immer und Dich” Review 101 with Jan Delay’s “Für immer und Dich”
“Ich sing’ für dich und ich schrei’ für dich”. I. Verbs The song starts with “Ich sing’ für dich und ich schrei’ für dich”. Why is there an apostrophe at the end of the verb forms? What should the proper verb form be?
3. Conjugate the verb “singen”. ich sing e du sing st er, sie, es sing t wir sing en ihr sing t sie, Sie sing en
4. You already know the following verbs in German 4.You already know the following verbs in German. Can you find them in the text? 1. to laugh 2. to rain 3. to shine 4. to say 5. to hear
5. Guess what the following verbs in the song mean. schreien a. to see brennen b. to bend vergessen c. to scream biegen d. to lie weinen e. to burn nennen f. to forget sehen g. to name lügen h. to cry
The song uses two irregular verbs that you already know: haben and sein. Find the forms of haben and sein that are used in the text. Give the correct forms of these verbs in German: a. I am b. you have (3 forms) c. we are d. it has e. she is f. they have
II. Pronouns The song uses only three different subject pronouns. What are they? ich, du, es In what case would these pronouns be in German? nominative case
accusative (because of “für”) 3. The most prominent pronoun in the song is “dich”. What is the case of this pronoun and why is it in this particular case? accusative (because of “für”) 4. What would be the equivalent of “dich” in the nominative case? du
5. Complete the chart with the appropriate accusative pronouns. Nominative Accusative ich du er sie es wir ihr Sie
6. How would you express the following? a. for her b. for me c. for us d. for You e. for him f. for y’all
III. Cases nominative and accusative 2. The nominative is used for 1. You have learned two cases so far. What are they? nominative and accusative 2. The nominative is used for the subject The accusative is used for the direct object
3. If a noun is in the accusative case, the article changes for only one gender. Which one? masculine 4. How does the masculine article change? der den ein einen 5. Find the two masculine nouns in the text that are in the accusative case. den Regenbogen den Mond
6. “Ich hole den blauen Mond für Dich” means “I’m fetching the blue moon for you.” How would you say the following? a. I’m fetching the paper for you. Ich hole das Papier für Dich. b. I’m fetching the clock for you. Ich hole die Uhr für Dich. c. I’m fetching the pens for you. Ich hole die Kulis für Dich. d. I’m fetching the CD-player for you. Ich hole den CD-Spieler für Dich. e. I’m fetching a picture for you. Ich hole ein Bild für Dich. f. I’m fetching a chair for you. Ich hole einen Stuhl für Dich.
7. “dich” is in the accusative case because it follows the preposition “für”. What are the four other accusative prepositions? durch, ohne, gegen, um 8. What do they mean? through, without, against, around
9. How would one say the following? a. through him durch ihn b. without her ohne sie c. against the wind gegen den Wind d. around a table um einen Tisch
IV. Vocab How does the song express the following things? 1. only for you nur für dich 2. for always/ever für immer 3. the entire world die ganze Welt 4. It doesn’t matter. Es ist egal. 5. I have lied so often for you. Ich habe so oft für dich gelogen. 6. I bend the rainbow for you. Ich bieg den Regenbogen für dich.