Evaluation and Accountability
Evaluation Institute and its role in evaluating private schools Evaluating schools’ processes and outcomes soundly, systematically and objectively. Ensuring that schools are accountable for the quality of education they provide. Enhancing schools’ use of educational data and evaluation in monitoring and developing their own performance.
Evaluation Processes Ongoing monitoring of student, parent, teacher and school data related to school performance. Professional licensing of teachers and school leaders School accreditation National testing International testing programs Evaluation by exception
DCMO is one of the Evaluation Institute’s offices in SEC. It is responsible for maintaining a comprehensive and current data base of all aspects of schools. It undertakes a wide-ranging collection of school enumeration data at the beginning of each academic year. Through school numeration, all schools in Qatar are fully identified and basic data about their principals, teachers and students and their parents are gathered. The enumeration data provide the base on which all other SEC offices depend. Data Collection and Management Office (DCMO)
Qatar Comprehensive School Surveys (QCSS) Data collection method Data collection period Data Source School visit October to December School profile Survey through the Internet School questionnaire Survey through the Internet Principal questionnaire Paper survey completed at home February to March Parent questionnaire Paper survey completed at school Student questionnaire Computer assisted questionnaire completed at school Teacher questionnaire
National Testing. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) program Grades 4 and 8 students in Science and Mathematics in 2007 and 2011 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) program Grade 4 students in Reading in 2006 and 2010 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) program Fifteen-year-old students in English, Mathematics and Science in 2006 and 2010 National Testing and Qatar’s Participation in International Studies
School Accreditation Undertaken every three years. Identifies the performance levels and development of the school’s processes and outcomes. Experts evaluate the school’s performance and progress using sound and systematic processes. Identifies areas of strength and weakness and provides recommendations. Related to the renewal of the school’s license.
Meets minimum requirements and applies for position QORLA Overview of Registration 9 Step One Step Two Applies for provisional licence within 30 days. School Operator/Principal attests to application Step Three Receives provisional licence Step Four Begins to gather evidence in portfolio Step Five Step Six Attestation committee agrees with application and submits to QORLA Presents application for a full licence and portfolio to school attestation committee Step Seven Full licence Granted by QORLA
School Accreditation Approach Establishing the principles and standards. Utilises school self-evaluation. Involves the conduct of an external evaluation. Forms conclusions and reports on the outcomes of the accreditation process to the school, the SEC and publicly results. Undertakes a re-evaluation every three years or sooner if necessary.
Ongoing Monitoring A continuous process which is undertaken as new data become available. Focuses on schools’ levels of performance and progress in comparative and absolute terms. Includes and consider a wide range of data. Involves educationally sound and considered evaluative processes. Identifies aspects of schools’ performance which are exceptional.
School Report Card Developed and issued annually. Provides a summary of a wide range of important aspects of the educational process of all Qatar’s schools whether government, independent or private. Targeted audience: parents in particular, and those interested in the educational process in general. Assists parents in making decisions about schools and schooling. Contains data on the previous school year as well as data from the previous three years for selected aspects. Available in paper and electronic forms for any one interested in schools in Qatar and schooling in Qatar.
School Report Card
School Report Card (Continued)