Self-Service Banner ePAF Live on 12/01/08
Setup Before Go-Live PAF Originators must be identified (require security setup through HR security coordinator) PAF Approvers must be identified and necessary Approval Levels defined (require security setup through DBA, HR Security Coordinator, and Information Systems) PAF Proxies must be identified (require security setup through DBA, HR Security Coordinator, and Information Systems) Testing/Developing Trng w/ Power Users (June, July) End User Trng (Fall Oct, Nov) PAF Originators, Approvers, Proxies, and Approval Levels must be maintained (hires, terminations, org changes, etc.)
ePAF Pre-Work Need Biographical new hire info much sooner (Legal Name, SSN, BD, Ethnicity, etc.) Need Cognos report of position information within your orgn (Position Number/Suffix Combo, Employee Class, Leave/Benefit Category, etc.) Need new hire’s work information (work address, telephone, salary or rate of pay, etc.) Approvers setup their Proxies through Self- Service Banner PAF Originators, Approvers, Proxies, and Approval Levels must be maintained (hires, terminations, org changes, etc.)
How do I get to the Banner PAF information? Access via Self Service – will be available on 12/01/08 (portal) on WorkTools tab Access via Self Service – will be available on 12/01/08 (portal) on WorkTools tab
Select Employee Link or Tab
Select Electronic Personnel Action Forms
How do I originate a PAF?
Select New EPAF
PAF Header Details
Where can I see my saved and submitted PAFs?
Originator Summary
See Your Submitted ePAFs under History tab
Here’s what they look like after approved and applied: