Resolving Conflicts (1:46) Click here to launch video Click here to download print activity
conflict resolution – Pg. 225 Compromise – Pg. 226 Negotiation – Pg. 227 Mediation – Pg. 228 Do Now – Pick 3 Words and write the definition.
Today’s Objectives List the steps of the negotiation process. Provide examples of strategies for successful negotiation. Identify 3 principles of effective mediation.
Conflicts can be resolved through negotiation or mediation.
Responding to Conflict There are various ways to deal with a conflict. Conflict resolution is the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving.
Responding to Conflict Walk away from a conflict: if you think the conflict could escalate and become dangerous. if you are having trouble managing your own anger.
Responding to Conflict In many cases, walking away from a conflict will not make it go away. Sooner or later, you will need to practice conflict resolution, the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving.
Compromise You can often resolve minor conflicts with a compromise. It’s unwise to compromise when doing so could have harmful consequences or would go against your values.
Compromise Compromise can help you resolve simple conflicts, such as whose CD to listen to.
Effective Negotiation Negotiation involves finding a solution that both sides can accept. Mutual respect is an important factor in a successful negotiation.
Effective Negotiation Violence does not address the cause of the conflict, so the same conflict is likely to occur again. This may cause the violence to escalate.
Effective Negotiation The negotiation process involves talking, listening, and considering the other party’s point of view. Negotiation The use of communication and, in many cases, compromise to settle a disagreement
The Negotiation Process 1.Take time to calm down and think over the situation. 2.Let each party take turns explaining its side of the conflict without interruption. Apply good communication skills. 3.If necessary, ask for clarification to make sure that each party understands the other’s position.
The Negotiation Process 4.Brainstorm solutions to the conflict. 5.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. 6.Agree on a solution that is acceptable to both sides, ideally a win-win solution. If this is not possible, the two parties may need to compromise. 7.Follow up to see whether the solution has worked for each party.
Preparing for Negotiation Choose the time and place carefully. Check your facts. Plan what you will say.
Tips for Successful Negotiation Stay calm. Tips for Successful Negotiation Attack the problem, not each other. Avoid blaming and name-calling. Keep an open mind. Listen attentively to what the other side has to say. Try to understand the other party’s point of view. Be willing to take responsibility for your role in the conflict. Apologize if you have done something to hurt the other person.
The Mediation Process Bringing in a neutral third party to mediate can help resolve some conflicts. When two parties cannot reach a solution through negotiation, they may consider mediation.
The Mediation Process Mediation can help people settle interpersonal conflicts.
The Mediation Process The word mediation literally means “being in the middle.” Mediation Bringing in a neutral third party to help others resolve their conflicts peacefully.
The Mediation Process Formal mediation involves the help of a mediator who has special training in resolving conflicts. Informal mediation can be as simple as asking a teacher to help settle a dispute with a classmate.
The Mediation Process Three Basic Principles of Effective Mediation Neutrality Confidentiality Well-Defined Ground Rules
The Mediation Process The mediator must always be an outsider who has no stake in the dispute. The mediation session should also take place in a neutral location.
The Mediation Process Effective mediation depends on confidentiality. The mediator promises not to reveal anything said by either party during the process. Confidentiality Respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret
The Mediation Process Effective mediation depends on well-defined ground rules. Both parties must agree to the rules set by the mediator.
Peer Mediation Many schools have started peer mediation programs to help resolve conflicts. Peer mediation A process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully
Peer Mediation The Five Steps of Peer Mediation Making introductions Establishing ground rules Hearing each side Exploring solutions Wrapping it up
Peer Mediation Mediation is not an appropriate solution for every kind of problem in schools. Violence and other crimes, for instance, require action from school administration or legal authorities.
Exit Ticket 1.T or F: Solving a disagreement in a way that satisfies everyone involved is called escalation. 2.Which of the following is NOT a good strategy for negotiation? a. Choose the time and place carefully. b. Refuse to compromise. c. Listen attentively to what the other side has to say. d. Be willing to take responsibility for your role in the conflict
3. For a conflict between two teens who are friends, the best peer mediator would be: a. the parent of one of the teens. b. a teen who is friends with one of them. c. a teacher. d. a student who does not know either teen well.
After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary Choose the time and place carefully, check your facts, and plan what you will say. 1.List three steps you could take to prepare for a negotiation.
After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary 2.When might it be necessary to bring in a mediator to settle a conflict? When the two parties cannot reach a solution through negotiation
After You Read Reviewing Facts and Vocabulary 3.Give two examples of ground rules in a peer mediation process. Any two: Listen without interrupting, tell the truth, and address each other with respect.