Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Building Sustained Capacities.


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Presentation transcript:

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Building Sustained Capacities to Support Climate Resilient Sectoral Planning Ashley Palmer Capacity Development Program Specialist UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre March 14, 2013

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Session Overview Session 20 (!) Day 4 (!) 13:30-14:30 (!) –20 minutes presentation (Ashley) 5 minutes: recap from October (4 slides) 15 minutes: more in depth discussion, and looking ahead (6 slides) –20 minutes group discussion (country teams) –20 minutes report from groups (country teams; plenary group)

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Economics of Climate Change Adaptation: Institutionalization Institutionalization: what does it mean? –Embedding a capacity building program within a broader institutional system –Considering the intersection/nexus of technical capacities with functional capacities and also with broader systems

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Technical and Functional Capacities Functional capacities: which cut across all sectors: to engage stakeholders to assess a situation and define a vision to formulate policies and strategies to budget, manage and implement to monitor and evaluate Also… to collaborate with diverse stakeholders manage change in a complex environment (including negotiating and building alliances) Technical capacities: areas of expertise such as education, health, agriculture, economics of climate finance, etc.

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Issues for Consideration Technical and Functional Capacities –Technical capacities: includes skills in the area of economics of climate change adaptation –Functional capacities: cross cutting; enables the “use” of technical skills Problematic when there is investment in a technical competency area without also investment in systems that support the effective use of that technical skill Therefore, a need to embed technical in broader systems context

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action A Systems Approach to Capacity Development Institutions and Systems

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action (Part II) Key Point #1 The institutions and systems in each country (and perhaps each sector) will vary by context The analysis of institutional capacity gaps will need to be specific to each context –Consider issues of policy framework; links between planning and budgeting; leadership; accountability; communications; stakeholder engagement The analysis will also need to be specific overall: it is rarely helpful to base a CD program on assumptions and guesswork

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Key Point #2 (Default) Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into planning should build on existing systems, and existing capacities –Ideally, we should avoid creating new or parallel systems, but should focus on strengthening existing systems –Should avoid draining existing capacities towards a “new” initiative. Why? Integrating climate change adaptation into planning is, or will be, a ‘core function’; it is not temporary

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Key Point #3 The skills and competencies on economics of c.c. adaption, developed through this course, should eventually be integrated into the daily work of ministries –The sooner this happens (incrementally), the better, therefore…. –The sooner we can identify (and address) challenges to this “absorption” of skills into systems, the better

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Key Point #4 The focus on mainstreaming and institutional CD aspects here is relevant not just for achieving the objectives of this course, but also for: Preparation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) will also require iterative integration of climate risks into existing development planning and budgeting systems, in a cross-sectoral manner Addressing ever-higher degrees of complexity in addressing development challenges : more actors; more need for collaboration; more pressure on resources

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action What this course can provide by way of support to ‘institutional CD’ Opportunity for mentorship and technical support on identifying institutional/systems gaps; developing strategies to address them -Will be provided as integral component of the course -Country teams to undertake analysis of institutional gaps and receive ongoing support- virtually and during periodic regional workshops

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Con’t Immediate next steps: –first feedback and inputs from country teams during today’s session (however brief!) –follow-up on analytical approach over coming months –Sharing of initial findings and analysis during next regional meeting later this year For today’s discussion: let us focus initially on systems within your ministries (can revisit broader complexities later)

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Group Discussion and Report Out (40 minutes) Country teams to form groups; discuss two questions (20 minutes discussion in groups): 1.Within your ministries, what are the main challenges to making sure that individual/technical skills on cost-benefit analysis in this course are effectively utilized and absorbed into systems/decision-making? 2.What do you see as the main challenges to mainstreaming climate resilient planning within your ministries? (e.g. policy framework; leadership; accountability; coordination; awareness; other?) One team member to share briefly back with the plenary the 1-2 main points that the team discussed (one point for each question?): no more than 2 minutes per team (20 minutes total) Also: teams to nominate focal point for follow up

Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Adaptation Supporting National/Sub-National Adaptation Planning and Action Thank you