The aging body and disabling disease april 10: read ch 14 omit section on dementia An overview From normal aging-----chronic disease-----ADL impairments
A rundown of Chronic Diseases and ADL’s Instrumental vs basic ADLS
Aging pathways by gender; SES and Cohort women=living longer sicker Poor people=dying sooner sicker Baby boomers=dying sooner?
What causes us to age? Random damage theories Programmed aging theories Immune system Hypothalamus
Extending the MAXIMUM LIFESPAN CALORIE restriction as the fountain of youth?????
SENSORY MOTOR SPECIFICS #1 VISION Poor dark vision Poor close vision=presbyopia Sensitivity to glare
Focusing on the LENS (pun intended!) and exploring other OA eye issues
Sensory Motor Specifics #2 hearing The problem= can’t hear high pitched tones The cause= Hair Cell atrophy
hearing loss causes, consequences and life Causes= noise Consequences=withdrawal from life
Elderspeak and hearing aids= two not- so- good interventions
Sensory motor specifics #3 Moving reaction time losses skeletal problems=osteoporosis,osteoarthritis, and loss in muscle mass
Interventions: changing the world to make it sensory motor friendly
Focus on driving in old age: a critical social policy concern
Examining the issues and the consequences what causes most OA accidents? What can we do about the need to drive?
THE FRAIL ELDERLY #1 (april 17) A note on who cares for the elderly A note on who pays for Chronic Care
Their OUTSIDE of NURSING HOME options Continuing care Assisted living TINAS’ DAY CARE Day care
THE FINAL OPTION: NURSING HOMES Scanning the residents Scanning the places Scanning the staff: CNAs Cutting edge Interventions to improve nursing homes
Worst case scenario: Dementia NOV 14 read: dementia section ch 14 PART 1: SCANNING THE TERRITORY How is it diagnosed? Mild cognitive impairment vs dementia What are the symptoms and how do they progress? Early middle and later stages When does it happen--- and who is at risk? APOE MARKER
What are its main causes? Alzheimer’s disease (plaques and tangles) Vascular dementia (small strokes)
Can we prevent it? Scanning the research/ medication scene (Amyloid Aracept) Exercise as the new anti Alzheimer’s “pill”
Dealing with Dementia
PRESENTATIONS: Last half of April 17 class A cultural perspective on old age If time permits: Caregiving perspectives on the frail elderly
APRIL 24: VISIT TO ASSISTED LIVING Facility PARK VIEW MEADOWS OF MURFREESBORO 240 MTCS rd. (class meets at 4:45) Go up memorial….pass Northfield…next road is MTCS go right… road winds around to left, Park View Meadows is at right on end Marie Luttrell
Death #1: Scanning the territory ( NOV 17 th : start reading chapter 15) How we died in the past and how we die today death is routine and occurs anytime– death occurs at the end of life (often) in the hospital The late 20th century death awareness movement
Cultural variations and a Kubler- Ross Critique Scanning the hmong way of death Scanning the importance of many emotions and hope
Scanning life’s worst tragedy: The death of a child should you discuss death with a dying child? The importance of keeping continuing bonds alive
Death # 2: options, priorities and new wave interventions Dec 5 th LAST CLASS! ALL WRITTEN WORK DUE TODAY
Exploring IN HOSPITAL options End of life training Palliative care
Exploring HOSPICE Its features Its exploding popularity
Hospice Pluses and Minuses
Non controversial ways of controlling dying Advance directives Living will ##durable power of attorney### DNR and DNH orders
Controversial ways of controlling Dying Exploring Physician assisted suicide Exploring ACTIVE euthanasia
WRAPPING THINGS UP Social policy issues affecting today’s adults and then…… A VISIT FROM MARIA our angelic hospice NURSE