2 Read to Learn How to evaluate different career possibilities How to choose a career that seems right for you
3 Main Idea Once you choose a career that seems right for you, you can begin planning the steps to take to achieve your goal.
4 Key Concepts Evaluate Your Choices Make Your Decision
5 Key Term resources evaluation personal career profile
6 Evaluating Your Choices Part of the decision- making process is taking a close look at your personal needs and resources. resources things that can be used for help and support
7 Evaluating Your Choices The next step in the decision-making process is evaluation. evaluation comparing and contrasting sets of data to rank them and determine the best choice
8 Evaluating Your Choices You can evaluate your career choices using the following factors: Visualizing possible outcomes Considering your values
9 Evaluating Your Choices Your personal career portfolio is a good tool to use in evaluating career choices. personal career portfolio a chart in which you compare what you have learned about yourself and what you have learned about a particular career possibility
10 Figure 5.1 Personal Career Portfolio
11 Figure 5.1 Personal Career Portfolio
12 Evaluating Your Choices Question to Help You Assign a Score for Each Category of the Personal Career Profile Values How well does this career match my values? Interests and Responsibilities How well do the day-to-day job responsibilities reflect my interests? Personality How happy will I be with the work environment and hours? Data-People-Things How well do the data-people-things requirements of this career match my own preferences? Skills and Aptitudes How well do my skills and aptitudes match those required for this career? Education/Training How willing am I to get the education and training needed for this career?
13 Make Your Decision Have confidence in your research, evaluations and goals. Your career choice is flexible and may change as your life develops.
14 When the game is finished, close the Quick Quiz window and click here for the next slide >>
15 Section 5.1 After You Read 1.Give two examples of careers that interest you. Explain how you would evaluate these two career possibilities to see which one would be better for you. Answers will vary. Students should include comments comparing and contrasting the two career possibilities.
16 Section 5.1 After You Read 2.Suppose the personal career portfolio profile forms you complete for two careers result in the same rating. Identify the criteria you would use to choose between them. Answers should reflect students’ understanding of the career profile.
17 Section 5.1 After You Read 3.Explain the importance of making a career decision now. Possible answer: “The sooner I make a career decision, the sooner I can begin preparing myself through classes, volunteer opportunities, or internships. The more prepared I am after high school, the more opportunities I will have.
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