2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt WHITE KNIGHTS & LADIES & LADIES 7THDAY 7TH DAY SORRIES SORRIES TAX OR SPEND? SPEND?PERSPIRATIONTHANKFULHEARTS
You should only date after you are at least this age.
This kind of relationship should be developed at every age.
When you begin dating, you should go on these kinds of dates.
The Book of Mormon prophet who taught that sexual sins are more serious than any other sin except for murder.
The reason that sexual sins are so serious.
What Satan wants you to think about repentance.
You should confess all sins to him.
The sooner you repent of sins, the sooner you will find these.
This will bring you closer to the Lord and your family, and give you needed rest and rejuvenation. needed rest and rejuvenation.
Do not seek this or spend this on the Sabbath
Malachi taught that this will happen if you pay your tithing.
Tithing is this percent of your income/increase.
True or False: You should not pay tithing if you don’t have enough True or False: You should not pay tithing if you don’t have enough money for your other needs.
A proper fast day observance includes these three things.
Four of the six things tithing is used for.
Education will help you to be this.
This should be an important part of your total education.
Eat this kind of food.
Avoid these four substances.
Three blessings gained from living the Word of Wisdom.
D & C 78:19 says this.
In your prayers, you should do this before you ask for blessings. In your prayers, you should do this before you ask for blessings.
One of the most important characteristics of a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Often, the most important service is expressed through these.
The best example of a life of service is this person.