CLEP—Helping Your Students Succeed and Your Institution Thrive Deborah Anderson M.Ed. Higher Education Consultant
What is CLEP Does it apply to my students What is the process at my institution CLEP and military Identify road blocks & solutions How do I identify a CLEP student What are my responsibilities regarding CLEP What are student responsibilities regarding CLEP What resources are available Become an advocate Top Ten List
Understanding CLEP Facts & Benefits
CLEP allows students to demonstrate that they have acquired mastery of college-level course content. CLEP allows students to translate that knowledge into college credit that is commonly recognized by passing any of the program’s exams. CLEP allows diverse groups, including traditional and non- traditional learners, adult students, and military service members to save time and money as they pursue a college degree. Core Purposes
More than 600 faculty develop and set standards to ensure CLEP exams are comparable to those of introductory college courses. Rigor and Relevance CLEP allows capable students to move ahead, opening seats in introductory classes. Access 91% of CLEP students report that CLEP made a difference in their ability to complete their degree Success CLEP students complete their degrees at a higher rate than students not earning credit-by-exam. Graduation Rates CLEP Offers Colleges…
What age group do you think has the largest percentage of CPL students? A.Under 18 B C D E.36 & older
Age Group Breakdown Age Group Breakdown Exams Administered to National Candidates, There are no age requirements for CLEP
Save time for students Save money for students Allow students to enroll in higher level courses sooner Earlier graduation How Does CLEP Apply to Students?
What is Happening Now?
What is done now? If you don’t know—why don’t you know? Who knows the processes? Who is responsible for updates? Where is information stored & posted? If there is no formalized process, ask why. Evaluate Current Methodology
Students Registrar’s Office Test Center Faculty & advisors Admissions Office Adult &/or Veterans Office Who Needs to Know Your CLEP Policy?
How does your institution grant credit for military training/service? Cross walk with 2-year/4-year How do we promote? Who needs to be involved? VA representatives Transcript evaluators Advisors Military Credit
All 13 colleges follow same rules Legislation passed in 1990s stating a “Student Bill of Rights” Faculty convene to discuss scores and acceptance of exams CCCS CLEP Handbook maintained and updated annually: Learning-Handbook.pdf Learning-Handbook.pdf Colorado Community College System
Possible Road Blocks
How are students notified of their opportunity for CLEP? What is on your website? Are your policies current? Do you know who is responsible for CLEP policy? Consider these questions:
Lack of communication Poor website design Lack of training for advisors/staff Lack of knowledge support from faculty No “champion” Student Road Blocks
Negates transferability It’s too complicated. I don’t understand the process. Who should I advise to take CLEP? No one really cares. Comments I hear from advisors
Help educate on test development De-mystify Encourage them to become part of the process Faculty can be a Road Block
Faculty Role in CLEP More than 600 college and university faculty members are involved in developing and setting the standards for CLEP exams. Faculty responsibilities include: Serving on test development committees Responding to curriculum surveys to determine exam content Serving on standard-setting panels Serving on ACE review panels Determining departmental credit-granting policies
Educate CLEP Policies CLEP Procedures Engage Share success stories Attend faculty meetings Encourage Get them to volunteer Share the data Solutions with Faculty
Who are CPL Students?
Identify CPL Students First year students looking to accelerate their education paths Students with high SAT or ACT scores Homeschooled students Students who are fluent in Spanish, French, or German Juniors or seniors who have not met lower-division requirements
CPL Students Continued Adults returning to college Military service members Veterans Students at risk for stopping out or struggling with finances International students needing to translate their overseas credit Students with expired courses Students with high placement scores
Recent focus has been students placing into developmental courses Why do we ignore students who are college level and higher? Important to serve all students What is our role in guiding students? Focus on All Students
Advising job is information Advising job is to provide options/choices Advising job is student success Advising job is to advocate for student A New Set of Lenses
Intake process Initial student contact Front Desk Staff Advisors Testing Administrators Student Orientation/Preview Deans Educate Departments on CLEP
Sample Websites
Critical to know who are the decision makers Critical to get faculty input Critical to evaluate plan on regular basis Identify Decision Makers
Student may want to discuss with VA advisor Student may need to talk to Testing Center Student may need to talk with Admissions & Records Student may need to talk with Department/Program chair Time for a Decision
Responsibility Check List Advisor Be well versed in policy Identify CLEP student Educate CLEP student Be an advocate Stay current Student What exam(s) may I take How do I get credit What will transfer Know deadlines Follow through
Identify Leaders for Implementation
Testing Directors Dean of Student Services Dean of Instruction Director of Advising State committees Faculty Advisors Legislators Key Leaders
Identify change Create a plan Identify appropriate committee members Student input Faculty Research Implement Change
Process What departments are impacted? What makes sense for students? Payment Marketing Free materials Opportunities to tell students Evaluate Feedback surveys Data Reports Key Questions for Change
State wide systems 2-year 4-year Guarantee transfer within a state Identify key players Faculty Deans System presidents Promote/Create/Implement
Directors Important to have key leaders Testing Instruction Support Staff Invaluable resource Great ideas Students Know their needs How to Recruit Committee
No need to reinvent the wheel Data critical to your cause National organizations College Board ACT NCTA Webmaster Resources for Change
Need More Information? CLEP website for professionals: CLEP website for students: CLEP address:
Educate your teams Evaluate current methodology Create a plan for implementation of CLEP policies Eliminate road blocks for students Identify key leaders Identify recommendations for change Identify resources Take ACTION! Summary
Are you for student success?
Discussion/Questions/Wrap Up
Thank you! Deborah Anderson M.Ed. Higher Education Consultant