Adjectives and Adverbs 6 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ June 28, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Adjectives and Adverbs 6 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ June 28, 2011

Small Conversation ① Have you ever read any of Shakespeare's works? If so, what did you read? Do you know any famous quotations from Shakespeare?

Julius Caesar The die is cast. (Jacta alea est.) And thou Brutus! Hamlet Frailty, thy name is woman. To be or not to be, that is the question.

ambivalence 両面性、両面価値、両面感情 ある対象に対して全く反対の二つの思 考、感情、態度などが存在すること ambivalent (about) 〔ある対象に対して〕相反する感情 [思考・価値]を持った、両面感情 [価値]の

Conversation Practice I Need Some Advice Pay attention to comparative forms

Model Dialogue A: I need some advice. Should I buy a used car or a new car? B: Hmm. That’s a difficult question. Used cars are CHEAPER than new cars. A: That’s true. B: On the other hand, new cars are MORE RELIABLE than used cars. I really don’t know what to tell you.

1 A: I need some advice. Should I buy a dog or a cat? B: Hmm. That’s a difficult question. Dogs are FRIENDLIER than cats. A: That’s true. B: On the other hand, cats are CLEANER than dogs. I really don’t know what to tell you.

10 は自由に考えてみましょ う e.g. go to Hokkaido or to Okinawa to visit Kinkaku-ji Temple or Ginkaku-ji Temple eat sushi or yakiniku wear sneakers or sandals wear glasses or contact lenses

Small Conversation ② Do you like music? What kind of music do you like best? jazz / rock’n’roll / rhythm and blues / reggae / rap / heavy metal / Japanese pop / enka / soul / fusion / classical music / ethnic music / new age / country / other Who’s your favorite singer or group?

Two Of Us (The Beatles) You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead (stretch = 広がる、 ahead = 前に) ↓ Put into Japanese!

きみとぼくにはぼくたちの前に広がる 道よりも長い思い出がある

It’s All Too Much (The Beatles) When I look into your eyes Your love is there for me And the more I go inside the more there is to see ↓ Put into Japanese!

きみの瞳をのぞきこむ そこにぼくへの愛がある じっと見つめれば見つめるほど、きみ の愛が見える気がする

Unit 103: D The sooner the better You can say the (sooner/bigger/more, etc.) the better: “What time should we leave?” “The sooner the better.” A: What sort of box do you want? A big one? B: Yes, the bigger the better. When you’re traveling, the less luggage you have the better.

We also use the… the… to say that one thing depends on another thing: The sooner we leave, the earlier we will arrive. The younger you are, the easier it is to learn. The more expensive the hotel, the better the service. The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.

Unit 103: C Better and better We repeat comparatives (better and better, etc.) to say that something is changing continuously: Your English is improving. It’s getting better and better. The city is growing fast. It’s getting bigger and bigger. Cathy is more and more bored in her job. In the end, she quit. These days more and more people are learning English.

WEB Exercise

Conversation Practice You’re Just Saying That! あなたはただそう言っているだけだ/ま た心にもないことを … /どうせ口先だけ でしょう/口ばっかりのくせに

Model Dialogue A: I think I’m getting old. B: Why do you say that? A: I don’t dance as gracefully as I used to. B: That’s not true! You dance more gracefully than anybody I know. A: You’re just saying that! B: No! I really mean it!

1. A: I think I’m getting old. B: Why do you say that? A: I don’t drive as carefully as I used to. B: That’s not true! You drive more carefully than anybody I know. A: You’re just saying that! B: No! I really mean it!

We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard, or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. (John)

「僕たちは愛という贈り物を授かった。 でも、愛は大切な植物のようなものな んだ。食器棚にほったらかしにして、 愛が勝手に育っていくと思ってはいけ ない。(植物と同じように)愛に水を やり続けないといけないんだ」 子どもから大人まで、誰でもわかるよ うに「愛」を説いています

注意!! 7月1日 →GV 合同授業 7月8日 →OC 合同授業

See you on Friday!