Indispensable tools for research at its best COS Pivot: Searching, Navigating and Updating a Profile
Overview of what COS Pivot is Overview of Pivot Profiles – Who gets a profile – What is included – How maintained Searching and Navigating Pivot Profiles Updating a profile Today’s Agenda
COS Pivot brings the best of COS Funding Opportunities and COS’ two scholarly profiling systems together in one integrated package – Access to over 26,000 funding opportunities – Approximately 3 million profiles from around the world Suggests potential funding opportunities for you based on your Pivot profile (harvested and maintained by COS Pivot editors) Gives you one place to manage and track funding of interest What is COS Pivot?
Nearly 3 million profiles and growing Global coverage – 75 countries, 2100 universities Over 200 disciplines represented Profiles enriched with excellent scholarly content from multiple proprietary sources such as ProQuest and CSA, as well as public sources including PubMed and the Researcher’s website Editorial processes are applied to content for validation and accuracy Built and maintained by our editorial team COS Pivot Profiles Overview
Multi-disciplinary – Over 200 disciplines covered Pivot Profile Scope International in scope North America 50% Europe 34% Asia 8% Australia/New Zealand 5% Mid East 2% Latin America 1% Medicine18.0% Applied Science15.0% Social Sciences11.0% Humanities10.0% Natural Science8.0% Business7.0% Allied Health7.0% Engineering6.0% Arts5.0% Education4.0% Law2.0% Mass Communication2.0% Agriculture2.0% Environmental Science2.0% Architecture1.0%
Profiles are created for faculty members listed on University academic department websites. If department websites are unavailable, or if no faculty are listed on a department’s website, faculty profiles will be created based on the data available. Profiles are created for part-time and adjunct faculty and in some instances, graduate students as well. If you feel someone should have a Pivot profile, you can submit a request (Suggest A Scholar). – Approx. 2 week turnaround to add new profile Who Is Included?
If you can’t find a profile that should be in Pivot.. You can suggest a scholar on behalf of yourself or someone else at your institution. Note: The option to suggest a scholar will appear on every Profile search results list in COS Pivot.
Our editorial team uses publicly available information sources to build profiles including information on: – Name – Address – Webpages (homepages, pages that list publications, and CV pages) – Degree Information (institution, degree type, discipline, year) – Research Interests – Current academic departmental affiliations (includes role/position) – Publication information is also collected and linked to your profile by way of an automated proprietary matching algorithm that attempts to link publications to your profile from the following sources (which contain over 60 million publications): PubMed citation database ProQuest citation databases CSA citation databases ERIC citation database Agricola citation database. What’s In A Profile?
Only publications that can be “definitively” linked to your profile will be displayed on your profile page. We also add addresses and “communities”. What’s In A Profile
COS Pivot Profiles are created and maintained two ways: – By our editorial team – By the profile owner directly We will commit to a set update cycle (once every months per University/Organization) – Profile information uploaded by the profile owner is incorporated sooner How Are Profiles Maintained?
Searching and Navigating Profiles
Help and FAQs available in the Support section within your Pivot account Upcoming webinars and recorded session are also available in the Support area of your Pivot account COS Pivot Tech Support is available Monday-Friday, 6 am Pacific to 5 pm Pacific – By – By phone: Thank you! Questions?