The internship program should be done in a workplace area that is a career interest for you.
What kind of Internships? For example… – Interest in Education—can be done at one of the DTSD school buildings – Interest in a business area—ask your parents, friends, neighbors and acquaintances for contacts. – IT intern working with IT department with repairs and work orders in the district (Must be able to work 2 consecutive periods) – Student instructional technology intern—students would be based in library and working in the classroom with technology coaches
How to Get an Internship You/parent must make the first contact and tell me who you would like to do the internship with—then I will follow up! (Ideas…..Friend of parents, neighbor, business contact, etc.) Come to me individually/ to discuss ideas Be sure to sign the sign in sheet so I have an idea of your intern interests
What is included with an internship? Daily time cards/journals handwritten Quarterly goals and objectives are written Mentor evaluation quarterly A project each quarter: – Career paper – 1 st quarter – Full Day Shadowing Summary– 2 nd quarter – Resume and Career shadowing experience – 3 rd quarter – Oral presentation which is a culminating activity demonstration of your internship activities. (Graduation project)
Some Ideas? Local Physical Therapists Local financial Services Energy Systems and Installation Corp. Nurse at ES The Hershey Company Local Dentists Life Lion Hershey Elementary School Hershey Middle and High School Local engineering firms Local accountants Vista School Local Rehab specialists
Application for Internship- Pg. 7 This is the actual application for your internship and must be completed Be sure to include if you are interested in taking your internship as a one credit or two credit class under state briefly section
Criteria for Internship-Pg. 5 Character – The student must have no history of repeated discipline problems and must exhibit the ability to work well with others. Attendance – The student must demonstrate responsible attendance: a maximum of 10 nonconsecutive days absent during the school year. Academic – The student must achieve a 70 percent current GPA and no failing classes
Important Dates Tell your references that I would like the forms from them by March 1, Submit your application by March 1, (The sooner you get it in to process, the more likely you will be placed if you meet all criteria. The sooner the better!) Be sure to get Mrs. Ritchey’s signature on your course selection card by March 3, 2013
Employability Certificate Addendum- Pg. 13 If for some reason there are specific reasons or conditions that may have impacted your – attendance – discipline – or academic performance please use page 13 and attach it to your application.
Denial Report-Pg. 15 The office will run one report for all three areas of character, attendance and academic performance Page 15 is an example of a report you will receive if you do not meet the internship criteria. You do not need to do anything with this page except read it!
What is a regional employability certificate? A certificate that indicates that you are a dependable, responsible and trusted employee for any employer in the future. It certifies that a student has met academic, attendance and character criteria. Recognized by businesses throughout Dauphin, Cumberland, and Perry Counties. We are the second school in Dauphin County using this criteria to place interns/workers.
What should You do? Complete the application on page 7, get an idea of possible mentor? Talk to me if you need some ideas. Take the recommendation forms to your teachers ASAP and request them to complete them for you. Ask them to return them to me. YOU DO NOT RETURN THEM TO ME! THEY NEED TO BE RETURNED DIRECTLY TO ME by the teacher. Return everything to Mrs. Ritchey by March 1, if you want to be assured that there will be a possible internship for you.
Scheduling Procedures (NEW) I must need to sign off on your scheduling card. If it is determined that you do not meet the criteria due to attendance, discipline, grades, etc., you will be contacted by me/counselor Counselor will contact you to add another course ASAP
Students with a Support Teacher If you are interested in an internship or work experience, you must complete a “Transition Experience Request” with your support teacher and turn it in to Mrs. Quinnan in room 231. You will also need to apply for the “Regional Employability Certificate”. You should not request the internship during course selection. The completion of these forms is your course request. Electives should be chosen to fill your schedule (7 credits total), and the extra classes will be removed once an internship is set up. See your support teacher and Mrs. Quinnan in room 231 with any questions.