Section One: Classification System Overview Note: All classified markings contained within this presentation are for training purposes only.
Security Classification System Overview Classified Information Defined Classified Information, including oral communications, is defined as any information, if improperly disclosed, that could be detrimental to national security Sensitive unclassified information in the process of a classification determination must be handled as classified Information that may be classified: ‒Military plans, weapons, systems or operations ‒Foreign Government Information ‒Intelligence Activities ‒Cryptology ‒Foreign Relations or Activities of the U.S. ‒Scientific, Technological, or Economic Matters ‒Programs for Safeguarding Nuclear material and/or Facilities ‒Vulnerabilities or Capabilities of Systems, Installations, Projects, or Plans ‒Weapons of mass destruction
Not Classifications Unclassified (U) For Official Use Only (FOUO) Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) TOP SECRET (TS) SECRET (S) CONFIDENTIAL (C) “...the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security…” “…cause serious damage…” “…cause damage…” Security Classification System Overview Three Classification Levels
A Security Classification Guide (SCG) is prepared by the U.S. Government’s designated Original Classification Authority (OCA) for the subject matter and ‒Should be identified in the DD Form 254 ‒Identifies what information or material is classified ‒Identifies the level of classification of the information ‒Identifies downgrading, declassification or exemption instructions ‒All program personnel are obligated to read their program classification guidance to know what is classified about the program they work on If you believe information has been over classified, contact the Security Department Security Classification System Overview Classification Guides
Security Classification System Overview Original and Derivative Classification Executive Order and its predecessors establishes a formal system for classification, declassification and safeguarding of U.S. classified information Original Classification Authority (OCA) - U.S. Government only – All classified material is the property of the U.S. Government and it determines what is classified and at what level Derivative classification ‒Utilized by contractors who incorporate, paraphrase, restate, or newly generate classified information from existing classified material by using the following for derivative classification guidance Source Document Security Classification Guide (SCG) Contract Security Classification Specifications (DD Form 254) – Derivative classifiers Are responsible for the protection and integrity of classified information Must possess expertise regarding the subject matter of the classified information, as well as classification management and marking techniques Must obtain classification training prior to derivatively classifying and receive biennial training thereafter
Security Classification System Overview Special Access Categories Special access information requires additional access restrictions and/or handling Classification markings are used in conjunction with any of the following caveats: ‒North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) information ‒Foreign Government Information (FGI) ‒Intelligence Information (NOFORN, ORCON, PROPIN, REL TO (country name)) ‒Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information (CNWDI) ‒Restricted Data (RD) ‒Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) ‒Communications Security (COMSEC) and CRYPTO
Identify the exact information that requires protection Indicate the level of classification assigned to the information Provide guidance on downgrading and declassification Give information on the source(s), reasons for classification, identify the office of origin and document originator applying the classification marking Provide guidance on information sharing, and warn of special access, control, or safeguarding requirements Assist with investigations into potential or actual compromise Security Classification System Overview Classification Markings Purpose SECRET Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC Warning notices and release statements as appropriate SECRET Sample (U) Unclassified For Instructional Use Only 1 December 2012 Classified by: SECDEF Reason: 1.4(c) Downgrade to: CONFIDENTIAL on Declassify on: Markings by original classification authority
SECRET ABC Company 123 Anywhere Street Anywhere, USA Warning notices and release statements as appropriate SECRET Sample (U) Unclassified For Instructional Use Only 1 December 2012 Prime Contract ABC Classified by: John Doe, ABC Company Program Manager Derived from: DoD SCG 128, Dtd: 4/14/08 Downgrade to: CONFIDENTIAL on Declassify on: The following basic markings must appear on all derivative classified material: Declassification Instructions. The date of declassification must be displayed using the following numeric format ( ) Classification Authority Block Classified by line is now a requirement on derivative documents. (If derived from multiple sources, a bibliography or reference page must be included) Company Name and Mailing Address Overall classification marking centered on ‒TOP and BOTTOM of each page ‒FRONT and BACK of entire document ‒Include Dissemination control Portion Markings ‒(TS) for Top Secret ‒(S) for Secret ‒(C) for Confidential ‒(U) for Unclassified Warning Notices Date of Creation Unclassified Subject/Title Marking Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview Contract Number (for public release purposes) Markings for derivative classified material
Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview (cont.) FrontBack Top Bottom SECRET ABC Company 123 Anywhere Street Anywhere, USA Warning notices and release statements as appropriate SECRET Sample (U) Unclassified For Instructional Use Only 1 December 2012 Prime Contract ABC Classified by: John Doe, ABC Company Program Manager Derived from: DoD SCG 128, Dtd: 4/14/08 Downgrade to: CONFIDENTIAL on Declassify on: SECRET Sample
UNCLASSIFIED Page Markings Portion Markings UNCLASSIFIED Sample (U) This is an example of an unclassified page taken from a classified document. (U) Please notice that the page markings denote unclassified, although it is contained in a Secret document. Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview (cont.) Unclassified Internal Page
Internal Page - Multiple Levels Page Markings Portion Markings SECRET Sample (U) Paragraph classification markings precede each unit of text, graph or figure. (S) This is a sample Secret paragraph. (C) This is a sample Confidential paragraph. Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview (cont.)
Derived From: Multiple Sources (U) Optical Imagery Classified by: SECDEF (OCA Name and position title) Reason: 1.4(a) Declassify on: X3 2 October 1997 SECRET The multiple sources list must be included with or annotated on the derived document (not just the original file copy). If the document has a bibliography or reference list, this may be used as the sources list. It must be annotated to distinguished as the sources of classification from other references. SECRET ABC Company 123 Anywhere Street Anywhere, USA Prime Contract ABC Classified by: John Doe, ABC Company Program Manager Derived from: Multiple Sources Declassify on: Source marked X3, date of source SECRET Distribution authorized to the DoD and DoD Contractors only. Sample (U) Unclassified For Instructional Use Only 1 December 2012 Sample Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview (cont.) Bibliography Sample AN/SPY Satellite T&C Results dated 6/10/05 Classified by: Mary Jones, Director Derived from: SCG 128, Dtd 4/14/08 Declassify on: Optical Imagery dated Classified by SECDEF Reason: 1.4 (a) Declassify on: X3
SECRET Working Papers Created 6/1/2012 SECRET Classified by: Name and position title Derived From: SCG DOD 33, dated 3 March 2004 Declassify on: Source marked X3, date of source After 180 DaysUpon Creation Sample Working Papers must always be annotated with the term “Working Papers” and the date of creation, m arked with overall classification, and safeguarded in accordance with overall classification. Once either 180 days (for SECRET) or 30 days (for TOP SECRET) has been reached, or sooner if being released by the originator outside the facility, documents must be accounted for, controlled, and marked in a manner prescribed for a finished document. Individual pieces of related Working Papers, should be fastened together for ease of tracking. If more than one SCG is used in generation, it is a good idea to indicate this on the Working Papers. (U) Working Papers must always be annotated with the term “Working Papers” and the date of creation, m arked with overall classification, and safeguarded in accordance with overall classification. (S) Once either 180 days (for SECRET) or 30 days (for TOP SECRET) has been reached, or sooner if being released by the originator outside the facility, documents must be accounted for, controlled, and marked in a manner prescribed for a finished document. (C) Individual pieces of related Working Papers, should be fastened together for ease of tracking. (U) If more than one SCG is used in generation, it is a good idea to indicate this on the Working Papers. You are responsible for tracking, properly storing, and protecting your working papers! Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview (cont.) ABC Company 123 Anywhere Street Anywhere, USA (U) Unclassified For Instructional Use Only 1 December 2012
Hardware, software, computers, and equipment must reflect the highest level of classification contained therein. Standard labels should be used for all levels of classification. SECRET (Hardware or Equipment Tag) Security Classification System Overview Classified Markings Overview (cont.) SECRET Title: (U)Name and address of Originating Agency: Date Originated:Derived from: Classified by:Declassify on: Document Control Number (if required): Name and Address of Originating Agency ( U)_________________ ____________________ Classified by: Derived from: Declassify on: SECRET