“Information is not instruction." it has always been too easy to become enamored with the "technology" portion of technology-based training - at the expense of proper design and learning outcomes. David Merrill
Using Technologyto Foster Instruction: Using Technology to Foster Instruction: Structuring Opportunities to Learn
Premise Instruction involves a two way process to communicate information and establish expectations of performance!
Start here
Instruction as communication What important elements were missing that would have ensured more effective communication? Questions Points of reference Formative Feedback Response Guidance
Instruction as identification of outcome performance What important elements were missing that would have ensured optimum performance? Questions Points of reference Purpose Formative Feedback Response Guidance Performance Outcome
Preparing the student for learning Response Guidance The process whereby one helps to prepare the learner for performance or comprehension Formative Feedback The process of ongoing feedback on the level of student performance and comprehension The process of ongoing feedback on the level of student performance and comprehension How might we use technology to support this process? ~
Which of the following activities would be an example of response guidance? a)Providing relevant examples of the concept being discussed b)A classroom pencil and paper quiz c)A final exam d)A written assignment
Which of the following would be an example of formative feedback in instruction a)An in class or on line discussion b)A mid term exam c)A take home assignment d)A hypothetical question to stimulate thinking
The communication exercise we did earlier is an example of a 1.Formative feedback exercise 2.Response guidance exercise 3.Exercise of futility 4.Aerobic exercise
Michael Orme, U of T
Critical Learning Points What elements in your course design address these critical learning points?
Instructional Resources Powerpoint Website Entry Level TextbookHomework Online discussions
Instructional Resources for Entry Level PowerpointWebsiteTextbookHomework Student enters at higher competency level
Introduction Faculty Outline Due dates Links Fred Curriculum Home
Instructional Resources PowerpointWebsite Resources were more to support my teaching than student learning. I was better able to present the information but….. Information is not instruction TextHomework
Instructional Resources Powerpoint A.V. Initial Engagement Discussion
What issues of
Ultra sound
Critical Learning Points What elements in your course design address this critical learning point? Discussion – online Quiz - CPS Process Phase Exercises Probes
Slow down the presentation of new information to focus on 1.Clarification – Rephrase - Recall - Expand - Illustrate ( example ) 2.Critical Awareness - Opposite - Contingency - Cause / Effect 3.Relation - Comparison - Relationship 4. Prediction - What if……… * These processes do not occur as the final outcome of accumulated information Organizing content of Web Sites, Presentations, Discussions
Critical Learning Points Recommitment Phase
Outcomes when student marginalizes instruction And when instructor does not maximize instruction
Michael Orme, U of T Instructional Resources EvaluationPerformance Outcome
Higher entry level Engage sooner Peak more often Not loose interest Successfully demonstrate outcomes
Maximizing Elements of Instruction The student must consider each element essential for effective learning.
Dissociative Identity Disorder Axis I - Dissociative Disorder Involves the presence of two or more distinct identities or personalities in a single individual. Individual identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behaviour Inability to recall extensive personal information
Dissociative Identity Disorder Axis I - Dissociative Disorder Involves the presence of two or more distinct identities or personalities in a single individual. Individual identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behaviour Inability to recall extensive personal information Name of Disorder Axis of Classification Classification - Primary grouping & Sub grouping General Definition Elements of the Disorder Characteristics Onset, Course Prevelence in Childhood & Adolescence Systems of Influence Conceptual System Etiology Method of Identification Predominant Treatment Disorder DifferentiationComorbidity Application - Behaviour Management, Therapeutic Programming, Counselling
Using Technology to prepare the student for learning Response Guidance Website Powerpoint Participating in Discussion Threads Probes AV Support Presentations – computer or oral Guest speakers * Key is to provide elaboration of concept or skill and establishment of standard for the learner
Using Technology to prepare the student for learning Formative Feedback ProbesCPSDiscussions Exercises Simulations * Key is to generate information concerning the level of student comprehension and performance.