H₂0 Positive Impact in Efficiency/Productivity & Profitability using Ultra Clean Water in combination with our management practices. All data supplied by Chickworks Inc. Presented by Gregor B. Walter
One of Earth’s Greatest & Most Precious Resources... Clean, Pure H2O
This presentation is based on data collected from Chickworks Inc. Information was obtained over a period extending from 2000 to Information collected during the last 4 years was obtained using ultra clean water. The results shown are based upon changes to the water and it’s quality. Throughout this study, our farming practices remained the same. Our 3 main objectives included: Animal welfare Safest end product for the consumer Measuring success in terms of profit per square foot and not kg’s produced per square foot
Do not judge your water quality based on clarity and turbidity..... It is what you cannot see that should be cause for concern. Our well water before ultra filtration..... Safe to drink as per municipal drinking water standards...
Our water before Ultra Filtration...
Same well water after Ultra Filtration
The Difference Before After
24 hours later.... Differences getting greater...
Raw versus Ultra Clean Raw water/Clean water
Raw, stage 1 removal, Clean
Some of the “goodies” now visible in water considered safe to drink by municipal standards. Raw, Backwash, Clean sample taken during backwash of multimedia tanks
Noticeable improvements in the barns Dustgreat reduction of dust in barns, use of dust mask eliminated Dirt/Dustno longer adheres to surface Ammoniasignificantly reduced Insectsgreatly reduced/eradicated without using insecticides Mold/Fungusno longer present Nipple Drinkerssignificant reduction in leakage
Dust virtually eliminated!
Our Floors
main water drain in our water room 2 years in use, no Bio film present
4’500 Litres of Ultra Clean Water Results speak for themselves......
There is no substitute for clean, safe water
Lovibond Portable Test Kit used for daily measurements of free/total Cl & pH levels
Ultra Filtration Membrane
First 3 days minutes after placement 3 days old
A Happy Chicken is a Good Producing Chicken....
Noticeable Improvements within the Birds Mortalityimproved Condemnsimproved by a large margin Feed conversionimproved Uniformitygreatly improved Days to marketimproved by a significant margin Bird Flipsgreatly reduced Leg/Skeletal structureimproved by a significantly margin
A-93Growth chart: first 14 days
Clean, safe water is an essential factor in increasing efficiency & productivity leading to maximum overall profitability
Last but not least Because of the overall improvements/efficiencies within the animals using Ultra Clean Water we are shipping our birds sooner. This in turn has led to reduced hydro, heat and feed consumption by a significant margin.... without sacrificing the health & well being of our chickens! Today, our bottom line profits have increased significantly. Ultra Clean Water and our management methods have given us and our chickens the ability to reach new heights in productivity and profitability. Thank you very much