The Olympic Games By Madi
How it all started The Ancient Greek Olympics were a lot different than our Olympics now-a- days. The only people who were allowed to compete were men who could speak Greek. Once a girl got caught watching the male Olympics. But she didn’t get arrested because her father was a famous boxer. Also there were fewer games such as different types of realising ??? The first Olympics games are usually given the start year of 776 BC but they probably began even sooner. The ancient Greeks loved competitions, especially sporting competitions. The Olympics were not the only games held in ancient Greece, but they were the most popular.
How it all started ! The following is a humorous look at five ancient Greek city-states. In truth, the Greeks did take the games quite seriously. Nearly all the ancient Greek cities sent teams to participate in the ancient Greek Olympics. If two or more Greek city-states happen to be at war with each other when the game date arrived, war was halted for the duration of the games. Everyone wanted their city-state to win
How it all started Once every four years, men from all over Greece came to compete in a great athletic festival in Elis, in western Greece (Women were not allowed to compete). This was called the Olympic games because the place was called Olympia. It was a religious festival to honour the Greek gods Zeus and Hera. GreeceZeusHera