©Copyright 2005 Quantum Patient Assessment, Inc. The Ready to Work Report™ Web-Based Medical Reporting Software by Quantum Patient Assessment, Inc.
The potential for a workers’ compensation success story: The Ready to Work Report™ is a new strategy for getting injured workers back to work quickly and safely. Our state-of-the-art software uses injured workers’ feedback to determine the precise job duties they are able to resume at each stage of their recovery and rehabilitation. Costs are contained by returning the patient to work sooner, which saves TD and PD payments, XMOD weighing factors, and employees’ costs of lost time from work. The reports serve as foundations for greater communication between the insurer, the physician, the employer and the injured worker, resulting in less time off work.
Benefits to the Doctor The Ready to Work Report is a powerful asset for: 1. Lowering the average total cost per case by systematically documenting occupationally relevant medical outcomes, thereby helping the doctor reduce the total financial impact of occupational injuries. This will have a positive impact upon a doctor’s membership in good standing in an MPN. 2. Supporting practice patterns in conformance with evidenced-based guidelines such as ACOEM and AMA Guide to Disability and Impairment Ratings.
Benefits to the Doctor (cont’d.) The Ready to Work Report is a powerful asset for: 3. Streamlining the doctor’s ability to record, analyze, communicate and act upon the injured worker’s ability to work throughout the course of treatment. 4. Helping their patients to heal faster and more completely, thereby increasing the doctor’s value to the worker, the MPN, the insurance company and the employer.
Benefits to the Employee Time away from work is minimized. 1. When injured workers sit at home their focus becomes their injury. Medical progress they attain can be depleted by the effects of sitting at home. Research has shown that injured workers who return to work heal faster and more completely with fewer residuals than injured workers who remain homebound. This can have a long term impact on the worker’s quality of life. 2. When return to work is delayed: a. workers may lose earnings, b. skills may deteriorate, c. they may lose job security, and d. future employers may view the worker as a less valuable employee
Benefits to the Employer The employer will be able to better manage critical financial and productivity issues related to workers’ compensation programs. The employer will have enhanced capabilities to: 1.Control medical costs 2.Manage Experience Modification Factors: Reducing temporary and permanent disability payments will help the employer lower their XMOD weighing factor, reducing future premium costs. 3.Reduce lost time by structuring the injured employee’s transitional workday according to the reports’ detailed assessment of the employee’s ability to work
Benefits to the Employer (cont’d.) 4.Monitor the effect of the doctor’s care upon their employee’s ability to work 5.Reduce cost of hiring and training temporary and/or replacement employees 6.Communicate with all parties involved using data shared by all parties
Benefits to the MPN 1. The MPN can monitor the effect of their members’ care upon the injured employee’s transitional ability to work. 2. The MPN can support the members of its network with a reporting system that provides: a. Feedback on outcomes through evidenced-based evaluation, b. Concise and standardized analysis of the injured worker’s ability to work for all parties involved,
Benefits to the MPN (cont’d.) c. A foundation for enhanced communication between all parties involved, d. Clear documentation of physical capacities and restrictions in support of transitional work assignments, e. Customized, effective return to work strategies that can lower the cost per claim. 3.The MPN can position itself to insurance companies and employers as having a competitive advantage over other MPNs that do not use QPA’s Ready to Work Report software to contain costs.
Benefits to the Insurance Company 1.The Ready to Work Report is a systemized approach designed to get patients back to work safely and efficiently in the least amount of time; thereby lowering the cost per claim via a reduction in TD and PD payments. Research shows that an injured employee who returns to work quickly will heal more completely. 2.This cost containment system will be attractive to potential workers’ compensation insurance customers. 3.The Ready to Work Report will allow open communication between the employer and the insurance company, using shared data.
How it Works: The Ready to Work Report Software Input The Job Activity Questionnaire The Employer’s Job Description-Activity Breakdown The Activity Pain Index Questionnaire Output The Activity Pain Index Report The Ready for Work Report
Job Activity Questionnaire Administered once, during worker’s first visit to physician. Establishes baseline of activities performed at workplace
Job Description Activity Breakdown Records physical activities associated with each job listing for each employer Submitted by employer to insurer for input into QPAweb database Database of all job listings at employer’s workplace is associated with employer in QPAweb database
Activity Pain Index Questionnaire Physician uses exam form to question worker about current pain experienced while performing physical activities affected by worker’s injury. Resulting report presents cumulative data on worker’s pain response during treatment/therapy period. Current pain levels are correlated with activities required by worker’s job description
Activity Pain Index (API) Report Presents cumulative data on worker’s pain response during treatment/therapy period. Progressive analysis is presented in both narrative and graphic formats
The Ready to Work Report™ Uses the worker’s feedback to recommend exactly which activities the worker is: Fully able to perform Partially able to perform Not able to perform
Sequence of Ready to Work Events Employer sends patient to approved medical provider Employee injured at work Injured Worker’s first Physician Visit – fills out Job Activity Questionnaire and API Questionnaire with physician’s staff Physician’s staff enters info from form into QPA QPA generates API and RTW reports Physician reviews, enters comments, and signs report Insurance carrier and employer receive report Employer, physician, and injured worker negotiate return to work with report’s recommendations Employee back to work RTW cannot be generated with API information older than 7 days.