Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Specifications Exactly 30 seconds in length 1 continuous track of music, imported via Sound Forge Use of title screen feature.


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Presentation transcript:

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Specifications Exactly 30 seconds in length 1 continuous track of music, imported via Sound Forge Use of title screen feature found within Premiere Cut transitions used between title screens Power point story board with content, each including… Slide No – (Slide 1- Title of assignment plus any introductory notes) Content (text/image material to be displayed-place on slide) Duration of display (time in seconds) Transition to next slide (if any) Any necessary or appropriate notes Consistent organization of information

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Slide# 1 5 second black intro White Text centered on screen / Solid Green background Background music “Sting” ‘If I ever lose my faith…’ 5 / 5 secs Transition – Cut to next The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life…

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Slide# 2 White Text on screen / Solid Green background Background music “Sting” ‘If I ever lose my faith…’ 5 / 10 secs Transition – Cut to next He who speaks truth tells what is right…

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Slide# 3 White Text on screen / Solid Green background Background music “Sting” ‘If I ever lose my faith…’ 5 / 15 secs Transition – Cut to next The one who guards his mouth preserves his life…

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Slide# 4 White Text on screen / Solid Green background Background music “Sting” ‘If I ever lose my faith…’ 5 / 20 secs Transition – Cut to next The tongue of the wise brings healing…

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Slide# 5 White Text on screen / Solid Green background Background music “Sting” ‘If I ever lose my faith…’ 5 / 25 secs Transition – Cut to next A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger

Text Trailer Digital Video 1 Slide# 6 White Text on screen / Solid Green background Background music “Sting” ‘If I ever lose my faith…’ 5 / 30 secs Transition – Cut to next What you say Says A lot about you!