Click on “Lookup Shipment(s).”
Select the QP to be added and click on “Add Selected.”
Click on the SCN that has now been added to the manifest.
OPTION 1 – Click on the “Remove” button next to the equipment data that was included in the QP.
Select the appropriate option to add the equipment or conveyance to the shipment. In this example, since there is a trailer in the manifest, the “trip” option is selected.
The trailer from the trip information will display in the “Equipment” section of the shipment. If “Conveyance” was selected in the previous step, the word “Conveyance” would appear in this section. Select the trailer data under the “Equipment” column of the commodity section. If there is no equipment/trailer, it will be necessary to select the word “Conveyance.”
OPTION 2 – Click on the equipment # that appears in the “Equipment” section of the shipment.
This “Manifest – Edit One Time Equipment” screen will appear, showing the equipment data from the QP.
Enter the data to match the equipment information from the manifest and click on the “Continue” button.
The correct trailer will appear in the “Equipment” section of the shipment. Select the trailer in the “Equipment” column of the “Commodity” section.