Dismount DETAIL TROOP DECON TCs, Please dismount and proceed to the DTD. ALL CLEAR! Proceed to Station 1.
125 GPM Pump Trailer Sump 3,000 Gallon Blivet 125 GPM Pump Trailer 3,000 Gallon Blivet M12 PDDA Sump Spray! Station 1 Initial Spray down ALL CLEAR! Proceed to Station 2.
Station 2 Decontaminate Application Shut your engines off. Soldiers, Apply the decontaminate. ALL CLEAR! Proceed to Station 3.
Station 3 30-Min Wait TCs, Enter the vehicles and proceed to Station 4. DETAIL TROOP DECON Drivers, Please dismount and proceed to the DTD. Drivers, Please conduct interior decon and check for contamination. Time Elapsed. Proceed to Station 4. Use your M295 Kit to Decon the interior and check with M8 paper.
125 GPM Pump Trailer Sump 3,000 Gallon Blivet 125 GPM Pump Trailer 3,000 Gallon Blivet M12 PDDA Sump Spray! Station 4 Rinse ALL CLEAR! Proceed to Station 5.
Station 5 Check Hot Line ACADA If no contamination is found, you will go to your staging area. HEY!!! DON’T FORGET YOUR DRIVERS!! If contamination IS found, you will go directly back to Station 2. I will check your vehicles for contamination using my ICAM.