+ : creating trailers, QR Codes, and changing the way students see books by Barbara De Santis & Katie Llera Sayreville School District by Books Come to Life
+ About us.. Media Specialist at Sayreville Middle School Admin for the “Great Graphic Novels for Teens” committee Reviewer for School Library Journal Reader for “Garden State Teen Book Awards” In-class Suppport Technology Specialist STAR Discovery Educator Award winning blog Editor and President-Elect of the New Jersey Science Teachers Association Katie LleraBarbara De Santis
+ What is a book trailer? Book trailers are just like movie trailers, brief summaries of books.
+ Why create a book trailer? Visual Learners Ready to go Child or Teen Approved Easily Adjustable
+ My school 1300 students Not a one-to-one school 20 iPads Filtered internet Not a BYOD
+ What do I need? Computer/iPad QR scanner app or software (all free) iPad,tablet,webcam, smart phone, iPod touch Internet access Imagination
+ How do I make a trailer? iMovie Animoto Little Bird Tales Webcam Video Camera Glogster Scholastic Book Trailers Youtube Schooltube Create your ownBorrow from others
+ QR….. what? QR codes or quick response codes Fast readability Can be scanned by a Smartphone Webcam iPad
+ Link QR codes to anything! Your website Back to School night/conferences Videos/trailers Pathfinders Guides for projects Read-a-likes Updated information for non-fiction
+ War of the Worlds
+ Night of the Living Dummy
+ Wonderful Winter Haiku Poems
+ Mother’s Day video e=discoveryeducation.com&utm_medium=player&utm_camp aign=player e=discoveryeducation.com&utm_medium=player&utm_camp aign=player
+ Ruined Trailer
+ Book Trailers are not just for fiction.
+ The other fiction, non-fiction Link trailers to subjects on History, both non-fiction and historical fiction titles. Link a Community Service Club activity such as a Breast Cancer Walk to books about Breast Cancer. Link a trailer of a math project your students worked on to a math book, or display in the classroom Link to a digital collage that students have made from their art work work to take home.
+ Thinking outside the box. Extra-curricular clubs Advertisements for school events (play) School video for incoming students Summer Reading Program Spelling Bee, Geography bee or more Great for parents/guardians show casing student work Board meetings
+ Summer Reading
+ Oregon Trail Can we make it? Our journey west.
+ Making a Trailer
+ Testing the waters 8 Special Education students with various behavioral issues and learning disabilities. The class room teacher reviewed the subject matter they had learned through their textbook and a DVD documentary. First created a trailer together as a group. Then in partners. Our first trailer using iMovie
+ Finding content for trailers student created content images editable video through Discovery Education Reminding students that they are creating their own, unique version.
+ What did we learn? Students loved making trailers! It helped them check their grammar, vocabulary, and use of images. Partners are great for editing each other's work and grammar. Picked up how to use the technology instantly
+ Oregon Trail
+ I have a trailer..now what? Find a website that creates QR Codes. Delivr Kaywa QRstuff
+ Delivr
+ Creating a QR Code
+ More on QR codes.. Statistics on how many people scan your QR Code. You can edit the URL of the QR Code without altering the QR Code. You can search devilvr Group codes together for a project
+ Creating a scanning station. Webcam Computer QR program (Quick Mark)
+ Can my students do this from home? Smartphone statistics 31% of those ages % of youth ages Webcams are built into most laptops Horrigan, John. A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users. Pew Internet & American Life Project, May 6, 2007, accessed on May 10,
+ Training your students Educating students on what a QR code is and how it is going to be used in school How you can scan it. What will happen. Connecting our physical world to the digital for a global impact
+ Thanks!
+ Contact Information Katie Llera Follow the library on Barbara De Santis Connect to share or ask questions!