ACACSO – New Orleans, LA May 11, 2012 Lynn Brown LB Rail Consultant, Inc. 1
What is a POOL? How will cars be handled ◦ Cars not in a Pool ◦ Cars in a Pool Car Service Rule 16 Different types of POOLS ◦ Pool Codes ◦ Who establishes and maintains a POOL ◦ How is a pool established and maintained Is this important? Car hire and Pools Specific Pools 2
POOL – A grouping of resources for the common advantage of the participants The American Heritage College Dictionary Railroad “POOL” ◦ A group of cars having the same characteristics, grouped for the benefit of a specific group or commodity Specific customers Specific locations Specific loading requirements By customer and/or locations By specific commodity Specific requirements Contaminated Cars; Recall or equipment 3
Benefits of having a POOL ◦ For the Customer Helps maintain an even flow of equipment needed by the customer Maintains specific and required equipment for the customer’s needs ◦ For the Railroad Maintains equipment for the specific area or commodity Utilization of equipment is maintained for specific loadings 4
Code of Car Service Rules ◦ Rule 1 – Loading of Empty Cars Loaded without regard of route or destination Unless covered by a Car Service order or directive ◦ Rule 2 – Empty Foreign Cars Not Needed for Loading Delivered to the home road Forwarded to the road from which originally received under load Returned to the delivering road Stored How does this affect pool cars if information is not maintained 5
Better utilization of equipment maintained in a pool Return of equipment is defined by the pool information Code of Car Service Rules – Rule 16 ◦ Assessment Orders – Association of American Railroads CSD 145 and CSD 435 Authority for assigned cars and movement of said cars Assignment of equipment to a specific customer or National pool(s) ◦ Procedures of Assignment ◦ Handling of Empty Assigned Cars ◦ Designated Pool Reporter 6
Pool Types or Pool Codes ◦ C – Equipment assigned to a specific shipper at a specific location ◦ G – Contaminated cars ◦ J – Equipment assigned to a agent ◦ N – Similar to the “C” Pool, except, the equipment is not assigned to a specific shipper or loading point (National Pools) ◦ O – Equipment assigned to Recall pools ◦ P – Pool comprised of equipment assigned to accommodate a specific commodity ◦ T – Pool comprised of equipment assigned to an agent 7
Respective railroad carrier (or leasing company) ◦ Carrier/owner that is the destination of the equipment Either the specific customer and location The location of the specific loading requirements Industry representatives ◦ National pools Railinc Trailer Train Corporation Railinc maintains the file for pools ◦ Respective carriers and industry representatives maintains their respective pools Updates, additions, deletion of cars, add/delete pools 8
UMLER – Car Management section Equipment Management Information System User Guide ◦ Create Pool Header Pool ID Valid seven-digit Pool ID Position 1-3 – Pool Operator’s AAR Accounting Code Railway Accounting Rules – Rule 260 Position 4-7 – Assigned by Pool Operator Description General description of the Pool Loading Location Actual shipper loading point or railroad holding point 9
State/Province Indicates the state or province where the pool is located Operator 1 (up to 4 Operators) Mark of the actual operator Pool Maintenance Code Pool Type Type of railroad pool assignment Pool is established 10
Pool Identifier ◦ Position 1-3 of the Pool ID Pool Code – Railroad pools - C, J, P, T, & G Prefix of 001 through 997 Pool Operator’s AAR Accounting Code Railway Accounting Rules – Rule 260 Pool Code – Joint Pools – C, G, P, T Prefix of 998 Pool Code – National Pools – N Prefix of 999 Managed by Railinc thru ; thru Managed by Trailer Train Corporation thru Heavy duty cars, Reload, and Box Cars 11
Pool Header is established – next step ◦ Add the equipment to the pool Maintenance of the Pool ◦ Operator can add/delete equipment ◦ Operator car delete the pool (pool header) All equipment must be deleted from the pool Operators ◦ Railroads ◦ Leasing Company ◦ Industry (Railinc) ◦ Trailer Train Corporation 12
13 Source: Railinc, Equipment Management Information System User Guide
14 Source: Railinc, Equipment Management Information System User Guide
Pool Codes ◦ Determining the correct pool code Based on the code, equipment will be handled differently for empty return, car hire considerations Maintenance of Pools ◦ Maintaining the cars within the pool Assigned cars may not be handled correctly for empty return Assigned cars not updated to the pool Unassigned cars not removed from the pool Car Hire considerations Reclaims 15
Car Payments to the Car Owner ◦ Full payment of car hire is due to the car owner under the applicable rules of the Code of Car Hire Rules Reclaims ◦ Code of Car Hire Rules – Rule 22 Item B – Car Service Rule 16 – Assigned Cars Assigned to a specific shipper or National customer pool Date and Time of arrival at loading point to date and hour of placement for loading Held in excess of 24 hours at a holding point short of the loading point 16
When can a carrier reclaim on a car within a pool ◦ Determined by the Pool Type or Code Code “C” – assigned to a specific customer at a specific location Carrier that is the destination for the specific customer/location can reclaim against the owner of equipment not owned by said carrier Code “N” – assigned to a National Pool Only certain National Pool cars can be reclaimed National pool cars maintained by Trailer Train Corporation normally can not be reclaimed National pool cars maintained by Railinc normally can be reclaimed 17
North American Boxcar Pool (NABP) ◦ Box cars pooled by several carriers ◦ Can not be reclaimed under agreement by the industry ◦ Maintained by Railinc Multi-level Pooling Executive Committee (MPEC) ◦ Multi-level cars (automobile carriers) ◦ Can be reclaimed under Rule 22 ◦ Maintained by TTX 18
Questions 19 Lynn Brown LB Rail Consultant, Inc.