Matthew’s Fireworks the story behind his project By Megan Sandmeier
Matthew’s Fireworks Matthew purchased heifer calves for his 4-H project. He needed to find a way to pay for them. He wanted to earn money with a fireworks stand. Here is what we did...
Matthew’s Fireworks l We started by painting the signs to get the people’s attention.
Matthew’s Fireworks lWlWe put the signs in the garage to finish painting the red and blue on each of the signs.
l From painting the white, the red, and blue on the signs, it was time to put them on the trailer with the other eye catchers.
Matthew’s Fireworks l Signs were put up along the highway on our farm signs.
Matthew’s Fireworks l It came time to load up and go to our lot and get our other signs and decorations put up.
Some Photo's Grandma brought lunch for us. Matthew sat and waited in the wind.
Matthew’s Fireworks l This is what the inside of the trailer looked like.
Matthew’s Fireworks l There’s nothing better than to get a rest in the stock trailer after everything is up and ready to go.
Matthew’s Fireworks l Matthew didn’t get his calf paid for, but he did earn enough to take his calf to the fair.
Final Notes: Before we could start fixing the trailer for the fireworks stand, we had to clean it BIG TIME with the power washer. Dad and Uncle Gary helped Matthew with that. Since Matthew isn’t 18, Mom was the one who had to get the license and spend every hour at the stand.
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