2011 Fall Season Novice Orientation
Overview What Now? What UART is: –Partnerships –Core Values Schedules: –Practice –Regattas –Team Dinners
Overview Fees and Membership: –What’s Included in the Fees –Health Information Form –Gear Training Camps: –Dates –Costs
University Learn to Row 2011 University Novice Program Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 Summer Club 2012 Competitive Program -Royal Canadian Henley Regatta UART Varsity Fall 2012 CURC and NRCs Future U23 &/or University World Championships, Pan Am Games, Common Wealth Games, Olympics Recreational Program -Tours -Camps ERC Recreational Program 2011 ERC Recreational Program Fall 2012
What UART Is It is a student governed, U of A Campus Recreation sponsoured, athletic team Funding: –Student Membership Fees –Campus Rec and CREF –Casinos & Bingos –Grants through ARA, RCA, etc… Facilities: –Edmonton Rowing Club –Campus Recreation Equipment: –University of Alberta Rowing Club –Campus Recreation –Edmonton Rowing Club Coaching and Support: –Full Time Head Coach –Volunteer Assistant Rowing Coaches –Volunteer Assistant Strength Coaches –Athletic Therapy, U of A Dr. Connie Lebrun –Physiology Testing, U of A Dr. Gordon Bell
Team Vision UART’s commitment to the pursuit of excellence in the sport of rowing is athlete centered and coach driven; founded on the principles of Hard Work, Respect, Trust, and Pride. Core Values Hard Work:Being tired is tolerated, being lazy is not Respect:Each Other, Coaches/Officials, Equipment, “Team Time”, and Competitors Trust:Everyone has contributed in an equal capacity Pride:Our Team, Accomplishments, and Equipment
Fall 2011 Schedules Novice Practice Schedules: –Tuesday through Friday: 5:30pm to 7:30pm –Beginning Tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept 27th –Saturdays Oct 1 st & 8 th »Oct 1 st : 7am – 11am at Telford Lake, Leduc »Oct 8 th : 6:30am – 8:30am OR 11:30am – 1:30pm Indicate which time works better for you, majority will determine the practice time **Minimum attendance of 2 practices per week
Fall 2011 Schedules Race Schedules: –Saturday, October 15 th *Dino Classic, Calgary, AB –Team Dinner: Friday, October 14 th at 5:30pm, location T.B.A. –Trailer Loading: Friday, October 14 th …time T.B.A. –Leaving Campus at 5am on Saturday, will be back late in the evening –Trailer Unloading: Sunday, October 16 th …at 8am
Fall 2011 Schedules Race Schedules: –Friday, Oct 21 st to Monday, Oct 24 th *Western University Championships, Burnaby, BC –Trailer Loading: Thursday, October 20 th at 5:30pm –Team Dinner: Saturday, October 22 nd, Time and Location T.B.A. –Trailer Unloading: Tuesday, October 25 th at 5:30pm
Fees and Memberships UART Novice: $390 and includes: –Insurances (not Health) –All regatta entry fees –All travel and accommodations for fall regattas –Tech Shirt –Ability to order UART Team Gear –Physiology Testing –Attending/working: 2 Bingos **Register through Campus Recreation, contact if you have any questions
Fees and Memberships ERC Recreational: Practice Schedules: –Through ERC: Tues & Thurs starting at 6pm and Saturdays starting at 9:30am $240 and includes: –Insurances (not Health) –Access to ERC equipment and facilities –Coaching by ERC recreational coaches –Attending/Working: 1 Bingo –Giving 8 volunteer hours **Register through ERC’s website. Please contact Cathy Block if you have any questions
Health Information Form Now’s the time to fill it out…legibly Please complete all fields, especially the Health Card Number section! These forms travel with UART to practices and regattas and your health information will ONLY be shared with UART coaches and attending physicians (in case of an emergency)
UART Adidas Gear Golf Shirt: Mandatory for UART Novices –To be worn during Team Dinners and Team Travel »$30 Black Bottoms: –All crew members must be wearing black bottoms…you do not need to purchase UART gear if you already own compression bottoms (short or long) –Black Short or Long Spandex/compression »Shorts: $20 »Long: $35 Fleece Hoodie: –Official U of A Varsity Hoodie. UART has special permission to also include it on its Team Gear List »$45 Hat: –All crew members must be wearing the same headgear…so, UART Hats are the only permitted hats to be worn while racing »$35 **Team Gear Orders go through Coach Kris at and are DUE NO LATER than Wed, Sept 28 th 2011 by
Training Camps Christmas Training Camp: $1250 Where: California Rowing Club, Oakland California When: Departing Edmonton, Sunday, January 1 st (early flight) Arriving back in Edmonton, Saturday, January 7 th (late flight) Includes: Airfare, Accommodations, Transportation while in Oakland/San Francisco, Rowing Equipment Rentals, Christmas Camp T- Shirt
Training Camps Spring Break: $750 Where: Victoria, B.C When: Departing Edmonton, Fri, Feb 17 th Arriving back in Edmonton, Sat, Feb 25 th Includes: Transportation to Victoria, BC Hotel Accommodations, Rowing Equipment Transport, Spring Camp T- Shirt
Training Camps UART Executive is putting together fundraisers to offest the costs If you have any ideas please contact Not mandatory UART does not have the funds to subsidize the training trips, and therefore they are not mandatory…but, you will be much further along in your rowing skills, and it will help keep you motivated throughout the winter Only those attending the Spring Training Camp will be eligible to participate in the Elk Open Regatta, Saturday March 3rd (or 10 th, date T.B.A). The more people who go, the cheaper it will be! $500 Non-refundable deposit due (for the Christmas Camp): Friday, November 12 th It will be going towards your airfare and hotel deposit
Questions and Communication Who to contact: –Practices/Training & Schedules: Coach Sheila: –Team Gear: Coach Kris: -Other: UART Executive
Thank You! Any Questions?