Brian Kary and Terry Haukom - RTMC
Provide Delay Information To Motorists Potential for Diversion Perception Tracking Survey Results
Page 3 Base = 602 unless otherwise noted The Dieringer Research Group, Inc. Prepared for MnDOT, September 2012 Perception Tracking Study Wave XI: July-August 2012 Phone Survey Travel Time Messages – Ratings & Comments Overall, drivers continue to consider displaying travel time information on overhead electronic signs to be a good idea. There is a significant increase in the proportion of drivers who consider displaying travel time messages an “Excellent” idea N= N=600 #%#% Top 4 Box 47278%48781% Excellent Idea (10) 26945%23038% 9 427%6010% %12421% 7 549%7312% 6 193%173% 5 539%468% 4 92%9 3 81%122% 2 122%51% Poor Idea (1) 102%112% Bottom 4 Box 397%376% Don’t Know 193%132% Q71d. How would you rate the idea of posting travel TIME information on overhead electronic signs as a tool to manage traffic? Mean = 8.19Mean = 8.12 *Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding. Data noted with arrow is significantly lower or higher respectively than 2011 at the 95% confidence level. All Drivers N = Base # = Frequency
Page 4 Base = 602 unless otherwise noted The Dieringer Research Group, Inc. Prepared for MnDOT, September 2012 Perception Tracking Study Wave XI: July-August 2012 Phone Survey Travel Time Messages - Actionability *Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding. Data noted with arrow is significantly lower or higher respectively than 2011 at the 95% confidence level N= N=393 #%#% Almost always7419%5414% Sometimes15539%18347% Rarely12531%11930% Never4311%359% Don't Know1<1%21% Q71b. How often, if at all, do you take an ALTERNATE ROUTE because a travel time message on an overhead electronic message sign showed a longer time than your usual time for the trip? 58% Among those drivers who make a route decision based on a travel time message, nearly 6 in 10 chose to take an alternate route at least some of the time. Have Made an Alternate Route Decision Based on Time Message Info N = Base # = Frequency
Proven Method of Calculating Travel Times Reduced Costs ◦ Utilize existing 150+ DMS ◦ Utilize detection outside of work zone Currently have 400 miles of freeway instrumented with loop detection Future detection will utilize more Wavetronics sensors which may allow detection within work zones Traveler Information
Traveler Information Traveler Information Websites Smart Phone Apps
Traveler Information Traffic Reports Travel Times Signs
Wavetronics Sensor Camera Wireless Modem Solar Power
Distance Between Stations = ½ mile Distance Between Stations = ½ mile Error Caused by Increased Spacing Between 55 MPH and 5 MPH
Included in Main Project – Lump Sum ◦ I-35E – From CR 96 to I-35 $250,000 ◦ I-694 – From Hwy 61 to Hwy 5 $185,000 Separate Project ◦ I-494 – From Hwy 100 to 34 th Ave (SP ) $262,300
Not enough lead time for integration Lack of communications about traffic switches Inadequate detection methods ◦ Increased detection spacing ◦ Probe data
Total Project Estimated Cost - $750,000 Provide one prototype trailer. SP on I-694 from Hwy 252 to I-35W. ◦ Provide 16 trailers. SP on I-35E from I-35 south split to Cliff Rd. ◦ Provide 8 trailers. SP Hwy 169 River Bridge. ◦ Provide 18 trailers plus 3 PCMS. SP , on I-35 from District Border to I-35 south split. ◦ Provide 30 trailers which includes 3 w/ cameras plus 3 PCMS.