Driver Education Course Test 3
Question 1 If your vehicle is involved in an accident (regardless of the damage), what details must you give, to the other driver(s) if asked? ANSWER b (a)Only your name and address details if a Policeman asked for them (b)You must let them see your licence, take details, and give the name and address of the vehicle’s owner (c)No details until you have contacted your insurance company NEXT
Question 2 If a vehicle you are driving is involved in an accident and a person is injured, what must you do after stopping? ANSWER c a)Report the accident to Police within 7 days b)Only call the Police if the accident also resulted in over $500 worth of property damage c)Render every assistance and take immediate steps to have an ambulance notified. Then call the Police. NEXT
Question 3 Bicycles should generally be ridden - ANSWER c a)On the right-hand side of the road facing oncoming traffic b)On the footpath only c)With the main body of traffic on the left side of the road NEXT
Question 4 When merging onto the freeway from the entrance, you should - ANSWER a a)Look for a large enough break in the traffic and adjust your speed to as to fit into the traffic flow b)Sound your horn, turn on your indicator lights and move onto the freeway c)Stop and check the traffic behind you on the entrance NEXT
Question 5 If you see a sign indicating road repairs are going on, you should? ANSWER c a)Stop immediately and wait for instructions b)Maintain the same speed c)Slow down and watch for traffic controllers and instructions NEXT
Question 6 You see a broken yellow line painted on the roadway adjacent to the kerb. What does it mean? ANSWER b a)Bicycle riders must ride along the yellow line b)Clearway restrictions apply – you must not stop during the clearway hours c)You may at any time, park along this part of the road for 1 hour only NEXT
Question 7 When are class C (car) drivers required to carry and complete a log book, and comply with driving hour limits and rest period requirements ANSWER a a)When driving a coach that is equipped to seat more than 8 adults and is used to convey passengers for hire, reward or in the course of trade or business b)At all times c)When driving a utility van NEXT
Question 8 A friend lends you a van that has seats for 10 passengers. What type of licence do you need to drive this type of vehicle? ANSWER c a)A heavy rigid vehicle licence b)A small bus licence c)A car licence NEXT
Question 9 You lose your trailer’s number plate on a bumpy road. What should you do? ANSWER b a)Make a new one out of suitable material, making sure it looks the same as the old one b)Not use the trailer until you get a new RTA number plate c)Wait for your trailer’s registration renewal and then apply for a new one NEXT
Question 10 You hold an unrestricted licence and are driving at 100km/h in the country and pass this sign. What should you do? ANSWER a a)Slow down to a speed that will allow you to stop to avoid crashing into farm animals on the road b)You can continue at 100km/h if there are fences to stop farm animals from getting on the road c)For the next 5 kilometres you must not exceed 60km/h unless you pass an end farm animals speed limit sign NEXT
Question 11 If you are driving and it starts to rain, you should - ANSWER c a)Put your lights on high beam so you can see better b)Put your hazard lights on and increase your speed to avoid the rain c)Slow down using the brake gently, since rain and oil may create a slippery surface NEXT
Question 12 The faster the vehicle in front of you is travelling, the - ANSWER b a)Closer you must get before starting to overtake b)More distance and time you need to overtake c)Less time you need to overtake NEXT
Question 13 When being overtaken by another vehicle what should you do to help? ANSWER a a)Keep left and allow plenty of room to let the other vehicle back in b)Move to the left and stop c)Brake quickly to let the other vehicle overtake NEXT
Question 14 Learner drivers cannot get demerit points on their licence. If a learner commits a driving offence - ANSWER a a) The court or the RTA may cancel the licence b) The driver will only be fined c) It doesn’t matter because the driver is still learning NEXT
Question 15 If you are found guilty of going over the speed limit by more than 45km/h, you will - ANSWER b a)Get six demerit points b)Get 6 demerit points, a large fine and your licences will be cancelled for at least three months c)Get three demerit points and a large fine NEXT
Question 16 The speed limit on this road is 90km/h. You have just overtaken a vehicle in the left lane. What should you do next? ANSWER c a)Keep your position in this lane b)Accelerate away from the other vehicle and keep driving in this lane c)Move into the left lane NEXT
Question 17 The speed limit on this road is 100km/h. When can you use the right lane? ANSWER a a) Only when overtaking or turning right b) Whenever you want to c) When there is no other traffic around NEXT
Question 18 A speed limit of 100km/h applies - ANSWER b a)For learner drivers on freeways b)On roads without any street lights or speed limit signs c)Where there are street lights along the roadway NEXT
Question 19 If there are no speed signs, you must NOT exceed 60km/h when you see - ANSWER a a)Street lights along the road b)A police vehicle c)Four or more houses along the road NEXT
Question 20 Driving faster than the maximum speed limit is - ANSWER c a)Permitted only when passing another vehicle b)Only permitted when other vehicles are going faster than the speed limit c)Never legally permitted NEXT
Question 21 You are driving in busy traffic in a 60 km/h zone. You feel 60 km/h is a bit too fast for the conditions. What should you do? ANSWER c a)Keep up with the other traffic because it’s probably safe if the sign says 60 km/h b)Turn off the busy street and wait for traffic to clear c)Slow down to a speed that suits the conditions NEXT
Question 22 This sign means - ANSWER c a)No speed limit applies b)End of a 60 km/h zone c)The speed limit is 100 km/h NEXT
Question 23 When you see this sign you must - ANSWER a a)Share this road with other people and vehicles and not exceed 10 km/h b)Drive at 10 km/h if there are pedestrians around c)Reduce your speed to what you think is safe but never below 10 km/h NEXT
Question 24 It’s 9.20 am on a school day. You are driving at 60 km/h, the same speed at the traffic around you. You pass this sign but the other cars do not slow down much. What should you do - ANSWER b a)Drive at the speed of the other drivers because it is safer to go with the flow of traffic than slow others up b)Slow down immediately to 40 km/h or less even though other drivers want to go faster c)Stay at 60 km/h because it is nearly 9.30am and the times on the sign are only advisory NEXT
Question 25 This sign means - ANSWER c a)End school zone, the speed limit is now 100 km/h b)End of 60 km/h zone c)You are leaving a school zone, the speed limit is now 60 km/h NEXT