The Powell Water Systems, Inc. technology efficiently removes a wide range of contaminants with a single system. Our technology allows one system to remove multiple contaminates at the single contaminant equipment cost, space, and time. The result is better health, wiser use of financial resources, and a cleaner world to enjoy for our children, our grandchildren, and ourselves.
Electrocoagulation is the process of destabilizing suspended, emulsified, or dissolved contaminants in an aqueous medium by passing an electrical current through the medium. The result is water stripped of virtually all contaminants and is the equivalent of grocery store quality purified water. Whether done simply for cleaning purposes or to be reclaimed for various means, the pollutants that were preventing use of the water are gone.
CONTAMINANT BEFORE (mg/L) AFTER (mg/L) REMOVAL RATE (%) Aldrin (pesticide) Aluminum Ammonia Arsenic0.0760< Barium0.0145< Benzene BOD Boron Cadmium0.1252< Calcium1, Chlorieviphos (pesticide) Chromium < Cobalt Copper0.7984< Cyanide (Free) < Cypermethrin (pesticide) DDT (pesticide) Diazinon (pesticide) Ethyl Benzene Fluoride Gold Iron Lead Lindane (pesticide) Magnesium
Manganese Mercury0.7200< Molybdenum MP-Xylene MTBE Nickel Nitrate Nitrite Nitrogen TKN1, NTU O-Xylene PCB (Arochlor 1248)0.0007< Petroleum Hydrocarbons < Phosphate Platinum Potassium Proptamphos (pesticide) Selenium Silicon Sulfate Silver Tin0.2130< Tolulene28, TSS1, Vanadium0.2621< Zinc CONTAMINANT BEFORE (mg/L) AFTER (mg/L) REMOVAL RATE (%)
CONTAMINANTBEFOREAFTER REMOVAL RATE (%) Americium pCi/L pCi/L99.20 Plutonium pCi/L pCi/L99.00 Radium pCi/L pCi/L99.99 Uranium mg/L mg/L99.83 The following are the results of contaminants removed during radioactivity testing using the patented electrocoagulation system and were conducted at a government facility. CONTAMINANTBEFOREAFTER REMOVAL RATE (%) Bacteria110,000, cfu2, cfu99.99 Coliform318, cfu<1.00 cfu99.99 E coli Bacteria>2, mpn0.00 mpn99.99 Enterococcus Bacteria83.00 mpn<10.00 mpn82.87 Total Coliform Bacteria>2, mpn0.00 mpn99.99 The following results are typical bacteria examples of the patented electrocoagulation system and were conducted by a qualified independent laboratory. NOTE: The information provided is the removal rate of contaminants using electrocoagulation without assisted processes.
Portable Emergency Treatment Systems (PETS) Powell Water can produce safe, high-quality potable water with this mobile, tactical system. This system can handle a broad range of contaminants under rough field conditions with minimal maintenance and continue to operate with ease. PETS units are available in several sizes and configurations to fit the needs of any customer.
Flow Chart Portable Emergency Treatment System (PETS)
The drinking water trailer includes the following equipment: 24 foot fifth wheel trailer with tarp cover and airlift hooks. EcoDwell/Powell 10-gpm electrocoagulation molded reaction chamber 1/8 inch screen filter (customer must prescreen to 1/32 of an inch) Air diaphragm system pump Air purge 240 Volt single phase AC to DC power supply with Programmable Logic Controller, current control, and polarity reversing. Steel and Aluminum blade set 30 by 8 by 1/8 inches Automated cleaning in place valuing. Customer input contact for normally open & normally closed contactors Electrical Generator with diesel engine for continues operation. Incoming surge tank, acid wash tank, and clean water tank. Atmospheric clarifier Sand filtration Ozone disinfection system at 8 grams per hour Carbon Filtration System sizes and configurations can be made to fit customer’s requests (10 gpm to 5000 gpm). Pricing varies per system.
Carl Erickson Tech & Sales Consultant Water Regeneris, LLC Powell Water Systems, Inc. Business: Cell: Address: TH Street Deer Park, WI United States Website: