Answering Queries Using Views Advanced DB Class Presented by David Fuhry March 9, 2006
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
What is a View? ● A named query [Hal0?] ● Virtual or logical table composed of the result set of a query [Wik06] ● Any relation that is not a part of the logical model, but is made visible to a user as a visual relation [SKS02]
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
Where are views used? ● Query Optimization & DB Design – Significant performance gain (if materialized) – Logical perspective of physical data ● Data Integration – Provide common query interface to non-uniform data sources – Query -> Mediated Schema -> Source Descriptor -> Source Data
When might I use a view? ● Organize the data to be presented by a screen or page of an application ● Secure a protected global table by making only parts of it visible to users ● Reduce size of query statement – As do stored procedures and prepared statements – Views integrate into SQL expressions more easily though
When else might I use a view? ● Result set is too large to exist on disk – Frequent itemsets when the number of items is realistically large ● I can only access chunks of the data at a time – Web “screen scraping” of detail pages
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
How does the database process views? SELECT * FROM CHEAP_HOTELS SELECT Hotel_name, Distance FROM HOTELS WHERE Price < 250 SELECT Hotel_name from CHEAP_HOTELS WHERE Distance > 0.3 SELECT Hotel_name FROM HOTELS WHERE Distance > 0.3 AND Price < 250
Data Integration ● Searching a website ● SELECT page_title, url FROM site_index WHERE MATCH (title, body) AGAINST ('+hotels -small') – But no need to use a view in the above; materialize it into a table and update it on a regular interval
Data Integration ● SELECT page_title, url FROM internet WHERE MATCH (title, body) AGAINST ('+hotels -small') LIMIT 10 – Pretty much impossible to materialize 'internet' – Not too difficult if you employ a search engine's API and make 'internet' a view of their cache
Answering queries with views ● Physical data independence – Normal RDBMS views ● Data integration – Ex: search tools that parse multiple formats
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
Query Containment ● Q 1 Q 2 if the tuples (rows) returned by Q 1 are a subset of those returned by Q 2 – Q 1 is contained in Q 2 SELECT Hotel_name, Price, Distance FROM hotels WHERE Price < 400; SELECT Hotel_name, Price, Distance FROM hotels WHERE Price < 240; Q1 Q2 In the above case Q 1 Q 2
Query Equivalence ● Q1 and Q2 are equivalent if Q1 Q2 and Q2 Q1 SELECT Hotel_name, Price, Distance FROM hotels WHERE Distance >= 0.3 Q1 SELECT Hotel_name, Price, Distance FROM hotels WHERE Distance BETWEEN(0.3, MAX_FLOAT) Q2
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
When can a view be useful for solving part of a query? ● If it has relation(s) in common with the query and selects some attributes selected by the query US_HotelsHawaii_Buildings Norwegian_BeaglesJordanian_Hotels
Grouping and aggregation ● How useful can views with grouping or aggregation be in solving the query? – If the view uses weaker predicates than the query, very useful – If the view uses stronger predicates, then perhaps as a subset of the results
Grouping and aggregation Price Distance Rooms Adapted from: Essbase Database Administrator's Guide – Understanding Multidimensional Databases
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
Query Optimization ● For optimization purposes, views = tables to abstract logic ● Normally we want an equivalent rewriting ● For data integration, we may only want a contained rewriting – Although millions match, just get top 10 search results
Problem Statement ● How can we use more efficiently answer queries using a predefined set of materialized views?
Efficiently answering a query ● Suppose a query like the following is being run very often: – SELECT attr1, attr2,..., attrN FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.some_attr = OUTER JOIN tM ON t1.other_attr = – Lots of JOINs. – M tables must be joined. The operation will be expensive. – Can we do better? (Hint: yes)
Efficiently answering a query M Source Tables Result Set How can database systems determine which (if any) materialized views to use to solve the query? Materialized Views
Query Optimization Techinques ● Here are a few techniques: – Bottom-up (System-R style) – Transformational – Other
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
System-R style optimization 1. Identify potentially useful views 2. Termination testing 3. Pruning of plans 4. Combining partial plans
System-R style optimization 1. Identify potentially useful views – Here is where we use the concepts of query containment and equivalence discussed earlier – But to recap: “A view can be useful for a query if the set of relations it mentions overlaps with that of the query, and it selects some of the attributes selected by the query”
System-R style optimization 2. Termination testing – Differentiate partial query plans from complete query plans – Enumerate possible join orders and explore all partial paths Source TablesResult SetMaterialized Views
System-R style optimization 3. Pruning of plans – A plan is pruned if a cheaper plan exists which contains it Plan 0 Cost: 30 Plan 1 Cost: 25 Plan 2 Cost: 18
System-R style optimization 4. Combining partial plans – Consider different possible ways of joining the views – Use dynamic programming ● To solve optimal plan for Join({A, B, C, D}), find optimal (cheapest) plan among – Join({A, B, C}, D) – Join({A, B, D}, C) – Join({A, C, D}, B) – Join({B, C, D}, A) ● Use recursion to solve ● Discard the other three
System-R style optimization Source: An overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems Chaudhuri, Surajit
Presentation Outline 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
Transformational query rewriting ● Top-down approach ● Cache materialized view metadata – Relations the view is composed of – Columns the view covers – Groupings the view applies – etc. ● Build a multiway search tree out of all views' metadata – It partitions the views by the above attributes – Idea is to reject irrelevant views quickly
A Filter Tree Source table condition Hub condition Output column condition Grouping columns Range constrained columns Residual predicate condition Output expression condition Grouping expression condition {V1,V3}{V7,V9,V10}... Leaf nodes point to sets of relevant views
Other types of view rewriting ● Query Graph Model (QGM) – Split query into multiple boxes, and try to match the view's boxes with the query's
References ● [Hal0?] A.Y. Halevy. Answering Queries Using Views: A Survey. VLDB Journal, 10(4). ● [Ull97] Jeffrey D. Ullman. Information Integration Using Logical Views. ICDT ● [Wik06] Wikipedia contributors (2006). View (database). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ● [SKS02] Silbershatz, Korth, Sudarshan. Database System Concepts, 4 th Ed (100) ● [JL01] Jonathan Goldstein and Per-Ake Larson. Optimizing queries using materialized views: a practical, scalable solution. In Proc. Of SIGMOD, pages , ● [Ess06] IBM Corp. Essbase Analytic Services Database Administrator's Guide. Understanding Multidimensional Databases
Recap 1) Introduction to views 2) Where views are used 3) How a database processes views 4) Query equivalence and containment 5) Using views to solve queries 6) Means of optimizing the above i.System-R, Transformational
Appendix (Misc. Slides)
Are tables views? ● Maybe yes: ● Maybe no: – Views aren't supposed to contain concrete data or take up space. Physical Representation: Logical Representation: