1 Professional Conversations: Integrating All Kinds of Minds into Practice
2 Phases of Implementation
3 Module Overview >Share Experiences (Applying Phase) >Professional Conversations Overview >Part 1 – Preparation for Group Discussion >Part 2 – Group Discussion >Integrating All Kinds of Minds into Practice – Next Steps
4 Module Objectives As a result of participating in this module, participants will be able to: >Find value in having professional conversations about student learning from a neurodevelopmental perspective. >Recognize that implementation of All Kinds of Minds can be done through using the philosophy, beliefs, next day applications, tools, processes or habits of mind in their educational practice. >Use the neurodevelopmental approach as a basis for professional conversations about student learning. >Engage in structured professional conversations with other educators.
5 >Management by Profile >Student Learning Partnership >Learning about Learning lesson >Differentiation >Subject Analysis >Integrating ND vocabulary into a school policy >Book study >Parent newsletter
6 Sharing Experiences: Reflection 1.Answer reflection questions. >What worked? >What would you change? >What advice would you give to others using this process/tool? 2.Prepare presentation for small group.
7 Sharing Experiences: Discussion 1.Presenter #1 presents his/her experience based on the reflection questions. 2.While presenter is speaking, a group member jots keywords from presentation onto chart. 3.After each group member has completed their presentation, post chart on wall.
8 Module Overview >Share Implementation Experiences (Applying Phase) >Professional Conversation Overview >Part 1 – Preparation for Group Discussion >Part 2 – Group Discussion >Integrating All Kinds of Minds into Practice – Next Steps
9 “What should I consider as I approach my new painting?” Detail: Van Gogh, Two Little Girls
10 Framing (or Focus) Question: A problem, issue, dilemma, or concern on the part of the presenter, stated in the form of a question
11 Clarifying Question: Requests to the presenter for additional, factual information related to the framing question
12 Clarifying Questions: What other information do you need as you consider the framing question? What kind of paint did you use? How long did you spend on the painting? Did you use a real girl or was it your imagination? How accurate are the colors?
13 Probing Question: Help a presenter think deeply, examine alternatives, consider novel viewpoints, and provide time to reflect.
14 Probing Questions: Designed to expand and challenge a presenter’s thinking What might happen if you painted from imagination? Would changing the medium from paint to watercolor have an impact? What did you hope a viewer would feel when they looked at the painting? How might your previous experiences have affected your painting?
16 Professional Conversations Overview Part 1 – Preparation for Group Discussion >Select a framing/focus question >Ask clarifying questions >Create probing questions Part 2 – Group Discussion >Engage in discussion >Presenter consolidates information
17 Conversations for Student Learning
18 Module Overview >Share Implementation Experiences (Applying Phase) >Professional Conversations Overview >Part 1 – Preparation for Group Discussion >Part 2 – Group Discussion >Integrating All Kinds of Minds into Practice – Next Steps
19 FOCUS QUESTION Example Teachers at my school are familiar with All Kinds of Minds vocabulary. However, despite my attempts to integrate this vocabulary into school- wide practice, they aren’t using it. What barriers might I be overlooking? FOCUS QUESTION Non-example Teachers at my school are familiar with All Kinds of Minds vocabulary. However, they refuse to use it. It might be because they just have too many other things to do or don’t agree with the philosophy. How can I make them cooperate?
20 Additional Examples of Framing Questions Issue: This particular piece of student work puzzles and intrigues me. I am confident that other teachers often face similar situations with their students. Question: What can we do to support each other in understanding our various students? What additional information would you want to know before engaging in a professional conversation?
21 Framing Question Stems >What are some ways to...? >What could be…? >How well does…? >In what ways does this…?
22 Additional Examples of Framing Questions Issue: Teachers at my school are familiar with All Kinds of Minds vocabulary. However, despite my attempts to integrate this vocabulary into school- wide practice, they aren’t using it. Question: What barriers might I be overlooking? What additional information would you want to know before engaging in a professional conversation?
23 Clarifying Question Stems >Who was involved...? >What happened when you…? >How did you approach…? >At what point did you…? >How much time…?
24 Probing Question Stems >What might you see happening in your classroom if...? >How might your assumptions about… influence your thoughts about …? >What would you have to change in order for…? >What sort of impact do you think…?
25 Module Overview >Share Implementation Experiences (Applying Phase) >Professional Conversations Overview >Part 1 – Preparation for Group Discussion >Part 2 – Group Discussion >Integrating All Kinds of Minds into Practice – Next Steps
26 Engage in Group Discussion >Group members can build the discussion around one or several probing questions. >Group members are not trying to solve a problem. >The Presenter listens and takes notes.
27 Module Overview >Share Implementation Experiences (Applying Phase) >Professional Conversations Overview >Part 1 – Preparation for Group Discussion >Part 2 – Group Discussion >Integrating All Kinds of Minds into Practice – Next Steps
28 Phases of Implementation
29 Your next steps … >For connecting with a community of learners >For using Professional Conversations