All you need to know All I Can Tell You About Graduate School Interviews in 30 Minutes Chris LaGrow Assistant Director Career Development Office This presentation is available at
Professional Dress Suits are preferred Details (shined shoes, matching socks, etc) Take out nose/lip/eyebrow rings (guys, leave earrings at home)
Before the Interview When they call to schedule, find out: Directions, including parking Who will interview you (with spelling) How long What to bring
Don’t bother going unless you… RESEARCH THE PROGRAM!!! RReview their website RRead any literature they send you TThink about WHY you want to be in THEIR program KKnow their mission/vision THIS IS A DEAL-BREAKER!!!
What To Bring (and What Not To Bring) Do bring Requested paperwork Extra copies of your resume and reference lists A folder or portfolio A working pen Directions and itinerary Yourself, 15 minutes early Don’t bring Your cell phone Your backpack full of schoolwork Gum Breakfast or lunch Mom or dad
Preliminaries Treat everyone as though they were involved in the process! Body language and smiling Who wants coffee? Small talk
Behavioral Questions: Answer format Situation: describe the overall situation and the problem/challenge you faced Action: what did you do about it? Result: how did things turn out? (keep it positive) Lesson: what did you learn/what does this say about you?
Common Interview Questions Icebreakers/Personal Tell me about yourself Why are you interested in this program? What made you enter the (medical, dental, pharmaceutical, etc.) field? How many/what other programs have you applied to? What will you do if you don’t get into school?
Behavioral Interview Questions Describe a positive (or negative) experience you’ve had working as part of a team. Tell me about a tough decision you had to make and how you made it. Describe a situation in which you disagreed with a professor’s policies or decisions. Tell me about your greatest accomplishment (or failure). Tell me of an instance where you faced a real- life ethical dilemma. Describe a situation in which you had to tell somebody something unpleasant.
“Ethical” Interview Questions If you had the power, what changes would you make to our health-care system? What is your opinion of HMOs and PPOs? Do doctors make too much money? What does the Hippocratic Oath mean to you? Should fetal tissue be used to treat disease (i.e. Parkinson's)? If you were a doctor and an under age girl asked you for the Pill (or an abortion) and she did not want to tell her parents, what would you do? Should doctors be allowed to “pull the plug” on terminally ill patients? If a patient is dying from a bleed, would you transfuse blood if you knew they would not approve (i.e. Jehovah Witness)?
Personality Questions If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? How would your friends describe you? What do you do with your spare time? What is the most important event that has occurred to you in the last five years? If you had three magical wishes, what would they be? Who is your hero? What are your best attributes (or faults)? What’s the last book you read for pleasure?
Your Turn to Ask And yes, you SHOULD ask! Genuine questions only READ THEIR WEBSITE AND LITERATURE! I read on your website that… can you tell me more about it? What qualities does the ideal candidate possess? What’s the next step in your selection process and when might I hear back from you regarding my status?
When You’re Done… Get a business card, or at least the correct spelling, for each person who interviews you Send thank you letters And like any good health professional… …have lots of patience.
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