Landforms Where is N Y S? Map Skills NY Natural Wonders Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
What are landforms?
They are natural shapes we see on the surface of the earth.
Name three types of landforms that can be found in New York State.
Mountains, Valleys, Hills, Plains, Rivers and Plateaus
How did glaciers change New York during the Ice Age?
As they moved across the earth, they rounded off the tops of hills, carved valleys, and made deep holes. Some of the deep holes were filled with water from the melting ice. This what made lakes.
What is the highest landform in New York?
Mount Marcy 5344 ft.
Compare and contrast the plateaus and plains shown in the pictures.
Plateaus and plains are mainly flat areas Plateaus and plains are mainly flat areas. Plateaus, however, are higher up than plains.
What hemisphere is New York State in?.
The Western hemisphere.
What continent is New York a part of?
New York is located in the United States in the continent of North America.
The United States is divided into four regions: the west, midwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. Which region is New York in?
New York can be found in the northeastern region of the United States.
New York State is divided into five different regions New York State is divided into five different regions. What region is North Syracuse in?
North Syracuse is in the Central New York region.
Some regions in New York are based on physical features and others on human features. Explain the difference.
Physical features are features of the land Physical features are features of the land. Human features are built by humans, such as a city.
What is the purpose of an elevation map?
An elevation map measures the height of the land.
How do you read an elevation map?
Use the key. The map key shows elevation as blocks of color.
When a map key says that the land along Lake Erie is in the range of 700 to 1,600 feet, what does that mean?
It means that it is only between 700 ft and 1,600 ft above sea level.
What are the highest areas of elevation in New York?
The Adirondack and Catskill Mountains have the highest elevations.
How might I use an elevation map to help me plan a bike trip?
Should mention here how an elevation map shows where hills and mountains are so you can avoid the rough terrain, or where water is…
Will an elevation map help you with finding human features?
No, but it will help you locate physical features.
What Great Lakes touch New York State?
Lake Erie and Lake Ontario
Name two natural wonders that can be found in New York State.
Niagara Falls, the Fingerlakes, the Adirondack Mountains, and the Catskill Mountains.
What are some activities people can do when they go to the fingerlakes?
Swim, bike, fish, boat and hike.
What is the purpose of state parks?
To set aside land for the enjoyment of all the people.
How were the fingerlakes formed and then named the fingerlakes?
They were formed by glaciers, and look very much like 11 fingers.
What is a glacier?
A big sheet of ice made during the Ice Age.
What scientist would I be if I studied the Earth and the ways people use the earth.
A geographer.
What is a tributary?
A river or lake that goes into another but it is bigger
What is the difference between an Ice Age and a glacier?
An ice age is a period of time colder than today An ice age is a period of time colder than today. A glacier is a huge, moving, block of ice that existed during the Ice Age,but can exist even today.
What does it mean to live in the northern hemisphere?
The globe is divided into two halves The globe is divided into two halves. Hemi – means half, Sphere means ball. The top half is northern hemisphere and the bottom half is southern hemisphere.