Learning Styles Mrs. Sterbinsky
EQ: How do I learn best?
Learning styles are the preferred ways by which people learn.
What is VARK? VARK stands for: –Visual –Aural (Auditory) –Read/Write –Kinesthetic Take VARK survey
After the survey… Use the following help sheets for study strategies that apply to your learning preferences –MultimodalMultimodal –VisualVisual –read-writeread-write –KinestheticKinesthetic (these are also found below your questionnaire results)
The Visual Learning Style Visual learners process information most effectively when the information is seen. Depictions can include charts, graphs, flow charts, and all the symbolic arrows, circles, hierarchies and other devices that instructors use to represent what could have been presented in worlds. These learners think in pictures and have vivid imaginations. Most people are classified as visual learners.
The Aural (Auditory) Learning Style Aural learners process information most effectively when spoken or heard. These learners respond well to lectures and discussions and are excellent listeners. They also like to talk and enjoy music and dramas. When trying to recall information, aural learners can often "hear" the way someone told them the information.
The Reading/Writing Learning Style Reading/Writing learners process information most effectively when presented in a written language format. This type of learner benefits from instructors that use the blackboard to accent important points or provide outlines of the lecture material. When trying to recall information, reading/writing learners remember the information from their "mind's eye." Many academics have a strong preference for the reading/writing style.
Kinesthetic/Tactile learners process information actively through physical means. Kinesthetic learning refers to whole body movement while tactile learning refers only to the sense of touch. These learners gesture when speaking, are poor listeners, and lose interest in long speeches. Most students that do not perform well in school are kinesthetic/tactile learners. The crux of this learning style is that the learner is connected to real situations through experience, example, practice, or simulation. The Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning Style
A Scenario A group of four city planners in Boston is working on a project to improve the methods of repairing streets. They have spent a lot of time in the field looking at streets and learning about the stresses they receive, how engineers currently deal with those problems, and the public's perceptions of street conditions. Some improvements have been made including a new system of diagnosing problems and new methods of repairing the streets. The final stage of their project is to determine how to educate the city's employees on these improvements. Jessica believes that showing maps of where the various sidewalks in various states of decay would be helpful. She also wants to use a flow chart to represent the new repair process. Maybe a computer instruction guide could be utilized in the employee education program. Patrick feels that the planners need to discuss these improvements with the city's employees. A question and answer session could also be implemented in an attempt to answer any questions concerning the new system of diagnosing problems and new methods of repairing the streets. Will has already begun work on an extensive training manual, which will provide a concrete resource to guide employees in training and for later reference. The manual will be available in hard copy and on the web. Claire thinks that the city employees would benefit the most from a multimedia presentation as well as a CD-ROM with links to other useful information. She also wants the employees to go into the field and see some of the streets that were used as models in the new program. If that is not possible, pictures could be provided as examples to give the employees a concrete idea of the improvements.
Learning Strategies for Each Learning Style
The Visual Learning Style Replace words with symbols or initials. Translate concepts into pictures and diagrams. Underline or highlight your notes or textbooks with different colors. Practice turning your visuals back into words. Make flashcards of key information with words, symbols, and diagrams.
The Aural (Auditory) Learning Style Attend lectures and tutorials. Discuss topics with your instructor and other students. Put summarized notes on tape and listen to them. Join a study group or have a "study buddy." Tape record your lectures. When recalling information or solving problems, talk out loud.
The Reading/Writing Learning Style Write out important information again and again. Read your notes silently. Organize any diagrams into statements. Rewrite the ideas and principles in other words. Make flashcards of words and concepts that need to be memorized.
The Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning Style Sit near the instructor in classroom situations. Read out loud from your textbook and notes. Copy key points onto large writing surfaces (i.e. chalkboard or easel board). Copy key points using word processing software. Listen to audiotapes of your notes while exercising. Take in information through field trips, laboratories, trial and error, exhibits, collections, and hands-on examples. Put real life examples into your notes summary. Recall experiments and role-play. Use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea.
Writing Prompt Answer the following questions in your journal: How do I learn best: 1- What are learning styles? 2- What learning styles do I favor? 3- What study strategies might I use? 4- How might understanding my learning styles help me now AND in the future? (think about school, careers, etc.)