1 TAG Communication Identification Services 2011 Fall Parent Meeting For Parents of TAG Identified Students and Those Who Are Interested in Finding Out About TAG
2 Goals of Our Time Together Present information on… Identification timelines Identification timelines Our TAG building Plan Our TAG building Plan Instructional strategies for all students Instructional strategies for all students Individualized Instructional Plans-Request Individualized Instructional Plans-Request District structure for Services District structure for Services
3 Faubion Information
Area of Identification
5 Important Dates Grade 2 screening- October 2011 Parent TAG Identification Process- By end of November Deadline for TAG Identification Process Forms to TAG Office- 1st day of December TAG Faubion Feb. 7 th & 8 th
6 October 2011 Grade Two TAG Screening All 2 nd grade students were assessed using a culture-fair, nonverbal ability assessment called the Naglieri Nonverbal Aptitude Test (NNAT2)
7 What Happens After the October Screening with the NNAT2? Based upon the results of the NNAT2 for second graders, students may be recommended for further testing to determine possible TAG eligibility. Parents may be asked to complete a TAG Identification Form for further testing by the end of November 2011
8 TAG ID process 1. Use Identification Process Form IDPF to recommend a PPS K-12 student for TAG identification IDPF 2. The parent and teacher fill out the front of the form 3. School submits this form to the PPS TAG Office before December annually 4. Testing is completed according to the Regional Calendar 5. Once the test results have been sent to the school, the school will have 3 weeks to review criteria and make a recommendation for eligibility to the PPS TAG Office 6. The PPS TAG Office makes the final determination and notifies families and the school.
9 What Questions Should I Ask About My Child’s Instruction What can you tell me about my child’s rate and level of learning? How does my child demonstrate to you that he/she learned what you expected him/her to learn? What are you doing if you discover he/she already knows the material you’re teaching? What opportunities will my child be given to learn with other students who have similar rates and levels of learning? How will you communicate to me the strategies used to address my child’s rate and level of learning?
10 What is “Level” and “Rate”? Level of learning is the student’s instructional level in the curriculum: the place where the student will be successful, but will encounter knowledge and skills he or she has not yet learned or mastered Rate of learning is a measure of the pace at which a student successfully progresses through the curriculum after being placed at the appropriate level
11 Strategies teachers use to address a student’s rate and level of learning 1. Flexible grouping 2. Tiered lessons 3. Cross-grade grouping 4. Curriculum acceleration 5. Compacting 6. Independent Study 7. Cluster Grouping
12 When might I request an Individual Instruction Plan? After communicating with your child’s teacher, you still have questions concerning the rate and/or level of instruction/assignments After communicating with your child’s teacher, you still have questions concerning the rate and/or level of instruction/assignments You need greater clarity about the TAG services provided in the school or by a specific teacher You need greater clarity about the TAG services provided in the school or by a specific teacher
13 What Do I Do If I Have a Concern About My Child’s TAG Needs? 1. Consult the teacher 2. Consult the principal if you feel your questions have not been answered by the teacher 3. Consult the TAG Office only after you’ve consulted with your child’s Teacher and Principal 4. Check the TAG Department’s web page for resources
14 TAG Professional Development Each school has an approved building TAG plan that identifies one or more selected areas of professional development for the school year Teachers will participate in ongoing professional development regarding TAG strategies per their school TAG plan Each principal and TAG coordinator are responsible for sharing their school’s TAG professional development calendar
TAG Plan TAG Plan TAG B-Board Parent Survey Parent Handbook Parent Rights TAG plan waivers signed by parent
16 Faubion’s TAG plan Communicates how the school will meet the needs of TAG students Identification Identification Services-identify how school meets rate and level for instruction Services-identify how school meets rate and level for instruction Responsibility of TAG Coordinator Responsibility of TAG Coordinator Professional Development for staff Professional Development for staff Communication with parents and students Communication with parents and students
17 District TAG Support Patricia (Pat) Thompson, PPS TAG Program Administrator, Roxanne (Roxy) Coleman, PPS TAG Achievement Coordinator, The PPS TAG Office is located at the PPS Rice Professional Development Center, 6433 NE Tillamook St, Portland, OR 97213