The M.I.N.D. Design TM Understanding Your Creative Profiles
M.I.N.D. Design TM Preferred Thinking Styles
Think Learn Communicate Solve Problems
M.I.N.D. Design TM Creativity Profiles Short Description of the Four Profiles Meditative factual detailed logical one focus at a time Intuitive mostly creative use hunches or guesses strive for new ideas many focuses or challenges at once Directive systematic practical organized do what is scheduled or expected Negotiative personal/friendly very loyal like to enjoy what they are doing work as the spirit moves them
M - Meditative uses facts gives specific answer works alone thinks as a detective explains in detail questions everyone calculates accurately is very precise thinks abstractly uses logical thought works step by step I - Intuitive lots of ideas imagination sees or senses answers gets solutions w/o facts experiments often pretends easily sees patterns quickly takes risks very inventive future thinker N - Negotiative friendly loyal to others likes to work w/ people always involves others tends to be emotional joiner follower over leader trustworthy enjoys talking adaptable to group D - Directive works step by step is very practical plans before acts neat & organized directs people follows the rules on time exactly dependable does things right way wants correct answers M.I.N.D. Design TM Preferred Thinking Styles
Average Style Distribution Ca. 2/3 of people are combination of two styles Ca. 1/6 of people are combination of three or even four styles (i.e., no clear preferences) Ca. 1/6 of people are distinctly one style out of the four styles M.I.N.D. Design TM Average Distribution and Conflict Potential
M.I.N.D. Design TM How WE See the Other Personality Styles 0-10% coincide Up to 75% contradict Up to 50% contrast Up to 25% compliment
M M&n M&i M&d I&m I&n i I&d N&m n N&i N&d D D&m D&n D&i 75% 50% 25% Conflict Potential between Different Styles
M.I.N.D. Design TM How You See Personality Styles like yours Very Precise, thorough thinker, logical, rational, very focused Creative, risk-taker, challenging, innovative. Friendly, caring, sensitive, easy to be with, very giving. Reliable, orderly, consistent, loyal, accurate & right, highly dependable Meditatives look at themselves as … Intuitives look at themselves as … Directives look at themselves as …Negotiatives look at themselves as …
M.I.N.D. Design TM How You See the Other Personality Styles Way too sensitive, take things too personal, pushy, often invading my space Out of space, no facts or proof, out of touch with reality Rule book bound, mentally stuck, can’t think for themselves. Too factual, overly precise, number oriented, too single focused. Too friendly, overly personal, too dependent upon others. Too orderly, too rigid, too dependent on the rules. Insensitive, blunt, too logical, too theoretical, uncaring. Too far out, a little crazy, too independent. Too ruled oriented, not very friendly, inflexible, too machine-like. Too argumentative, always improving what already works fine, not realistic, a loner. Too sensitive, inconsistent, too soft towards people, can’t make own decisions. Flighty, breaks all the rules, unreliable, egotistical, not company person. Meditatives look at other people as … Intuitives look at other people as … Directives look at other people as …Negotiatives look at other people as …
M - Meditative 1. Rational 2. Logical 3. Analyzer 4. Investigative 5. Examiner 6. Questioner 7. Calculator 8. Precise 9. Mathematical 10. Theoretical 11. Problem solver 12. Rational loner 13. Distant 14. Details 15. Changer 16. Clearly distinct 17. Rule critic 18. Structured 19. Goal oriented 20. Time controlling I - Intuitive 1. Intuitive 2. Imaginative 3. Synthesizer 4. Instinctive 5. Experimenter 6. Possibility producer 7. Guesser 8. Risk taker 9. Inventive 10. Original 11. Conceptualizer 12. Flexible loner/joiner 13. Empathetic 14. Wholeness 15. Changing 16. Multi- possibilities 17. Rule challenger 18. Simultaneous 19. Possibility seeker 20. Time open N - Negotiative 1. Personal 2. Loyal 3. Doer 4. Involved 5. Socializer 6. Joiner 7. Follower 8. Trustworthy 9. Personably verbal 10. Adaptable 11. Working member 12. Team member 13. Sympathetic 14. Compromise 15. Changeable 16. Agreeable 17. Rule challenger 18. Random 19. Today enjoyer 20. Time flexible M.I.N.D. Design TM How the Types THINK, LEARN, COMMUNICATE & SOLVE PROBLEMS D - Directive 1. Systematic 2. Practical minded 3. Planner 4. Organized 5. Administrator 6. Tradition follower 7. Director 8. Predictable 9. Grammatical 10. Customary 11. Coordinator 12. Group member 13. Removed 14. Preciseness 15. Consistent 16. Exact 17. Rule follower 18. Sequential 19. Goal directed 20. Time focused
Knowing your Innovation Capacity Why is this important? Making better use of the individual strengths and preferences of staff and managers by determining a company’s Innovation Capacity Gaining awareness of personality types and individual preferences in the organization Identifying staff that naturally perform better in certain stages of the Creative Process Idea-Generation, -Evaluation, -Implementation Composing balanced teams - or unbalanced teams for special assignments
M.I.N.D. Design TM Creativity Profiles Four Basic Creative Thinking Styles M - Rationally Innovative Rational & Challenging Continuously improving, refining what exists or systematically moving from the abstract to the concrete. Uses logic and rationale. This is a deductive and reductive approach moving back and forth from the practical to the theoretical. A style of a loner. The style of a highly goal-oriented person who is most concerned with completing the challenge. I – Imaginative Off-the-Wall Creation of the new, the untried. Blue sky, inspirational thinking & leading. Uses hunches, guesses, approximations. This is an exploratory, open-ended seemingly undisciplined approach that works from many potential solutions backwards more often then from the problem towards solutions, using multiple thinking and non-thinking approaches. The style of a highly impatient person, loyal to the challenges and the process. D – Systematic Conventional Applying known theories and systems or equations to reuse previously proven solutions or problems. This is a reductive approach using predominantly critique, judgment and argument. Very organized and a step-by-step thinker The style of a person highly loyal to an organization. N - Joint Team Communal & Harmonious An exploratory, often accidental approach. Generally “feels” a problem and its many potential solutions. Generally this style prefers to work in teams to “bounce” ideas often off other “accepting” people/leaders. A compromising style. The style of a person highly loyal to his or her team and the project or organization.
16 THINKergy The M.I.N.D. Design Types in the Creative Process Stage 3 – IDEA EVALUATION, REFINEMENT and SELECTION EVALUATE, REFINE and SELECT Ideas Using Evaluation Tools and Visualization Techniques Preparation for SELLING and IMPLEMENTATION of ideas To avoid that idea is shot down or disqualified, clarify – Main SELLING POINTS of idea – FIT with predetermined EVALUATION CRITERIA (Main & Secondary C.) – IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN (e.g., Milestones, Responsibilities) Stage 4 –IMPLEMENTATION Understand and appropriately frame the REAL problem What is the perceived problem? – Specify as a “In what ways might I …”-statement Explore if the perceived problem is the real problem using – Analytical Tools and Visualization Techniques Stage 1 – CHALLENGE SPECIFICATIONStage 2 – IDEA GENERATION Generating of IDEAS to solve the problem using Creativity Techniques for Individuals and Teams ND I M M I N DMNI
Meditatives Directives Intuitives Negotiatives Your Innovation Capacity How to You Visualize it? Individual Department Expressing and Visualizing different Creative Thinking Styles for: Individuals (Staff & Managers) Departments and Teams A Company as a whole
M.I.N.D. Design Profiles -. Sample Results of one group of participants MMIIMI MDMNIDIN DMDINMNI DDNNDN MI DN Detailed Results:Overall Results: Notes: 6 persons distinctly one style (3I, 2M, 1N) 16 persons combination of 2 styles 4 persons combination of 3 styles (1MIN, 2 IMN, 1MND)