Safe Driving Rules & Regulations Speed Control Speed Control Passing Passing Keeping to the Right Keeping to the Right Yielding the Right-of- Way Yielding the Right-of- Way Pedestrians in a Crosswalk Pedestrians in a Crosswalk Intersections Intersections Entering Highways, Parkways, Turnpikes Entering Highways, Parkways, Turnpikes Leaving Highways, Parkways, Turnpikes Leaving Highways, Parkways, Turnpikes Turning Regulations Turning Regulations Stopping Regulations Stopping Regulations Using Headlights Using Headlights Parking Regulations Parking Regulations
New Jersey Speed Limits School Zones Business Districts Residential Districts
Jersey Speed Limits Suburban Business Residential Districts
New Jersey Speed Limits Non-posted rural roadways
New Jersey Speed Limits Certain state highways and interstates
New Jersey Speed Limits Certain interstate highways
Driver’s Discretion Slow down when: You are on a narrow or winding road At intersections or railroad crossings On hills At sharp or blind curves Where there are pedestrians or driving hazards When the road is wet or slippery
Keeping to the Right Drive as close as possible to right-hand edge of the road. When can you move to the left? When overtaking another vehicle (and it is safe to do so)
the Right-Of-Way Emergency Vehicles Buses Postal Vehicles Vehicles that are already in an intersection
Pedestrians in Crosswalks Penalties $500 25 days in jails Community service Suspension up to 6 months 2 points
Intersections ControlledUncontrolled Any signal/sign or police officer is controlling what to do. Any intersection where there is no signal/sign or police officer controlling the flow of traffic. What should I do? Who does what? I’M CONFUSED! Common UNCONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS?
Intersections BlindTraffic Circle What should be done?
Entering & Leaving Highways, Parkways and Turnpikes
Turning Regulations Right turn on IN NEW JERSEY it’s always allowed, unless…? Right turns Left turns Do not cut corners!!! One way One way One lane One way One lane Two Lane Multi-lane Multi-lane
Stopping Regulations
Stop for School Buses How far? 25 ft. When do you need to stop? When do you need to JUST slow down?
Railroad Crossings Where to do I need to stop if a train is coming? 15 feet from crossing When else might I need to stop at RR Crossings? Takes roughly 1 mile for a train to stop that is traveling 60 mph
Move Over Law
Using Headlights When…When…When… ? ½ hour after sunset & ½ hour before sunrise Visibility is less than 500 ft. Wipers on Lights On Fog Mist Smoke Why?
Bright and Dim When should we brighten things up? Open-country driving No traffic Why are we brightening things up? When should we lower the lights? City driving With traffic Why should we lower the lights?
Other Types of Lights Parking Lights Tail Lights Brake Lights Interim (overhead) Lights Dashboard Lights Spotlights (hazard lights) Fog Lights
Parking Regulations How far is too far? 6 inches from the curb DO NOT PARK Where? Crunching Numbers…
How Far & From Where? FROM WHAT?DISTANCE 10 feet 25 feet 50 feet 20 feet 75 feet