Reading Feline Body Language Rolan Tripp, DVM
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 2 Purring Contentment May occur when in pain or just before dying = “Seeking companionship”
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 3 Feline Greeting Postures Many cats roll to greet Exposing vulnerable belly is a sign of trust Tail straight up is “willing to interact”.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 4 Feline Greeting Postures - Tail The tail base up is confident Tail tip up or curved is willing to interact or friendly Tail swishing is Conflict.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 5 Feline Greeting Postures – Head Rubbing = “Bunting” Pheromone Production –Cheek Glands – just above each lip Tends to rub/mark objects with cheeks –Pre-auricular Glands = just in front of each ear Tends to rub/mark beings with head This is the basis for “Feliway” product.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 6 “Feliway” “Feline Facial Pheromone Analog”… Changes the site from a urine mark target to a cheek mark target Calming effect.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 7 “Attentive Anxious” Eyes focused Ears forward focused Whiskers forward Weight on rear quarters for rapid response Tail twitching.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 8 Defensive Postures Cat attempts to look BIGGER –Arched back –Fluffed tail –Piloerection –Nails exsheathed Look at leg position –Full extension = confident –Crouched low = insecure, fearful
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 9 Defensive Aggression - Pariah threat posture Low ranking threatened cat Crouched front legs Ears back Teeth bared Sign of fear and insecurity.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 10 Defensive Aggression “Lateral Threat” Posture Cat uses every possible technique to appear larger: Piloerection (Fluffed) Arched back Turns to side to seem BIGGER.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 11
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 12 Defensive Postures Full defensive aggressive posture –Laying on back –Teeth bared –Front and rear claws exsheathed and ready –Tail switching for balance and communicating anger
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 13 Offensive aggression Eye to eye Ears forward Tails out and back - swishing for balance and communication Low center of gravity Piloerection Forward whiskers.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 14 Flehmen posturing –“Volmeronasal Organ” is a secondary olfactory system –Odors enter near the hard palate inside the mouth –Used for special odors like urine or reproductive pheromones
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 15 Female Reproductive Posture Male is selected, allowed to approach Female in estrus assumes “lordosis” pose Tail to the side Presents ano-genital area for sniffing Female in “Lordosis” pose
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 16 Male Reproductive Posture Tom does neck bite to stabilize female and protect self Treading and stepping movements position pelvis for coitus
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 17 Urine Marking = “Spraying” Cat backs up to target Tail is straight up and quivering Small amounts of urine are sprayed up and out to mark object
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 18 Marking territory with paws Leaves scent mark from pads Plus visual mark from claws Also satisfies need for stretching and sharpening claws.
Please let me out! (Kitten in Kennel) Tail: Base up, tip up = Friendly, willing to interact Ears: Forward and up = Focused, willing to interact Body: Climbed up and forward = Willing to interact. What is this kitten saying?
“Thanks for letting me out. Now stop threatening me.” Tail: Up and curved forward = Very willing to interact Ears: To side and back = Uncertain Head: Turned partially away = Slowing interaction HUMAN: Back arched; Staring; Claws and teeth exposed; = Trying to be friendly; actually being threatening What is this kitten saying?
Kittens in Kindergarten (Don’t know each other) Orange Kitten on right… Tail: Base up, tip straight = Confident/Neutral Ears: Full front = Alert, focused, confident Body: Back mildly arched Body: Rump setting down = slowing rate of interaction. (SIT is a STOP message). B&W Kitten on Left… Tail: Base up, tip up = Very willing to interact Ears: Up, forward = Interested and focused Body: Arched back = Trying to intimidate. Body: One paw raised = Impending (undetermined) change of behavior
Kittens in Kindergarten (Don’t know each other) Grey Kitten on right… Tail: Base up, tip straight = Confident/Neutral Ears: Full front = Alert, focused, confident Body: Head turned =some new interest Body: Neck and shoulder exposed to new cat = no worry of attack (confident). Striped Kitten On Left… Tail: Base Down, Tip up = Cautious but willing to interact Ears: Out + back = Anxious and uncertain Body: Approaching slowly at an arc = Non-confrontive approach
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 23 Paw raised is a threat Tail Tucked says no contact please Ears straight out = ½ way between fear and attack Backed up to wall, ready to spring Dog is looking away, ears fully up, debating options. Dog confronts cat. What is cat signaling?
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 24 One stressed cat in a happy group Orange tabby has tail tucked which is unfriendly Shoulder, ear position give away threat Target of threat is unfazed suggesting senior status Stressed cat is thinnest of group.
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 25 These cat tails signal coming and going. Overall - lack of social tension. Cats entering group have tails up Cat leaving has lower tail Orange tabby in rear is signaling an alliance by contact –He is fully stretched out facing away; belly exposed = high trust
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 26 Affiliative Behavior (Cats are social!)
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 27 Unwanted Male Cat Behavior
© Rolan Tripp, DVM 28 Questions?