St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme REVISION PRESENTATION J4 part 1 The 10 Commandments: respect for God respect for others.


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Presentation transcript:

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme REVISION PRESENTATION J4 part 1 The 10 Commandments: respect for God respect for others.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme  were given to Moses on Mount Sinai,  deal with our relationship with God and our relationships with others,  are a guide for Christian living,  if everyone kept the 10 Commandments the Kingdom of God would be fully established.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme  Jesus said the most important was “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” Mark 12  Jesus said “The second most important commandment is this: `Love your neighbour as you love yourself” single new commandment“love one another”  In John 13, Jesus refines this further and gives a single new commandment to “love one another” new commandment  If this new commandment is kept, the Kingdom of God would be fully established.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme J4 part 2 The Sermon on the Mount as a guide for Christians displaying religion Christians and money Christians and judgement the Golden Rule.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme IN IT, JESUS RE-INTERPRETS THE LAW OF MOSES. The rules for Christian living given by Jesus

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Do not commit murder Do not commit adultery Don’t be angry with your brother Make peace before you come to the altar If someone sues you, settle before you get to court If you look at a woman and desire her, you commit adultery in your heart If your eye causes you to sin, take it out! If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Anyone who divorces his wife must give her written notice You may only divorce if your wife has been unfaithful Do not break your promises, but do what you have sworn by God to do Do not swear by God in heaven Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’ Anything else comes from the Devil.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer the left cheek also If someone wants your shirt, let him have your coat as well If a soldier asks you to carry his pack 1 km, take it 2km. Jesus turns the values of the world upside down!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Love your enemies and PRAY for those who persecute you! Why should God reward you if you only love those who love you? You must be perfect - just as your Father in heaven is perfect! Jesus turns the values of the world upside down!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Charity Prayer Fasting.  Do it in private and not for show  Your Father in heaven will know what you are doing  You will be rewarded!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme  Do not store riches for yourself on earth  Store up riches for yourself in heaven  God will provide (Feeding of the 5000)  You cannot serve God and money DON’T WORRY ABOUT FOOD and CLOTHES! WORRY ABOUT WHAT GOD WANTS!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Don’t judge and you won’t be judged! Look at yourself first. Take the plank out of your eye before the splinter from someone else’s. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Do for others what you want them to do for you.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme J4 part 3 Christian values service to others compassion for those who suffer concern for the causes of suffering helping those in need seeking justice for the oppressed as shown in the lives of 2 exemplary Christians.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme service compassion concern justice oppressed showing Christian values by helping others a feeling of distress for the sufferings of others to show compassion by becoming involved in other’s distress due allocation of reward and punishment those who are made to suffer by others.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme MOTHER TERESA - who showed compassion and service to others

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Sheltered street kids Built schools Built orphanages Built hospices. I am a pencil in God’s hands! We love God in the poor! Do small things with a great heart!

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme OSCAR ROMERO - who sought justice for the oppressed

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Spoke against injustice in El Salvador Spoke against an oppressive government He was assassinated at the altar. ”No soldier is obliged to obey an order that is contrary to the will of God!” "If they kill me, I will be resurrected in the Salvadoran people.”

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme were the hands and voice of Jesus were Good News brought the light of Christ into a darkened world.

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme 1. (a) Name ONE of the 10 Commandments. (2) (b) Give an outline of what Jesus said about taking revenge. (6) (c) Explain why showing compassion is important to Christians. (8) (d) “Christians should keep out of politics.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity. (4)

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme 2. (a) What is the Sermon on the Mount. (2) (b) Give an outline of what Jesus said about displaying religion. (6) (c) Explain why Christians should seek justice for the oppressed. (8) (d) “Jesus’s teaching about forgiving others is unreasonable.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. In your answer, you should refer to Christianity. (4)

St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme