Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Continuing Accreditation 2005 Self-Study and Site Visit
Accreditation at SMSU Lists 58 programs accredited by various accrediting organizations
Accreditation at SMSU Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools accredits the institution not individual programs
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) A voluntary, non-governmental, regional accrediting organization with over 1,000 member institutions in 19 states NCA was founded in 1895 SMSU - by various names - has been continuously accredited by the NCA/HLC since 1915
North Central Association prior to January 1, 2001 Covers 19 States... 1, and 4-year, public and private Higher Learning Commission
Focus of Accreditation by HLC To assess the quality of an institution and its effectiveness To assist the institution in making improvements in its operations and effectiveness To provide mission-driven accreditation
HLC Mission Statement “Serving the common good by assuring and advancing the quality of higher learning”
Self-Study and Site Visit Five Criteria Twenty-one Core Components Examples of Evidence Four Categories of Operational Indicators These must be addressed in our self- study
Five Criteria Mission and Integrity Preparing for the Future Student Learning and Effective Teaching Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge Engagement and Service
1. Mission and Integrity The organization operates with integrity to ensure the fulfillment of its mission through structures and processes that involve the board, administration, faculty, staff, and students. Five Criteria
2. Preparing for the Future The organization’s allocation of resources and its processes for evaluation and planning demonstrate its capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its education, and respond to future challenges and opportunities.
3. Student Learning and Effective Teaching The organization provides evidence of student learning and teaching effectiveness that demonstrates it is fulfilling its educational mission. Five Criteria
4. Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge The organization promotes a life of learning for its faculty, administration, staff, and students by fostering and supporting inquiry, creativity, practice, and social responsibility in ways consistent with its mission.
Five Criteria 5. Engagement and Service As called for by its mission, the organization identifies its constituencies and serves them in ways both value.
Cross-Cutting Themes The Future-Oriented Organization The Learning-Focused Organization The Connected Organization The Distinctive Organization not a another set of criteria nor required... but seem to fit SMSU
Categories of Operational Indicators Demographics Educational Programs Financial Strength Scope of Activities Updated annually and addressed in self-study
HLC “Position Statements” How SMSU addresses HLC position statements will be part of the 2005 Self-Study Commission Statement on Assessment of Student Learning Commission Statement on General Education Commission Statement on Diversity
Basic Understandings What you have collectively defined Publicly committed to And intended for them to Learn, do, and become Have learned Are able to do And are becoming STUDENTS… INSTITUTION… General Education/Assessment
Evidence of Assessment of Student Learning Assumption: SMSU is assessing student learning (course, program, general education) and using results of assessments to improve student learning
Assuring and Advancing… Five Criteria and Cross-Cutting Themes Preparing for the future Student learning & effective teaching Acquisition, discovery, & application of knowledge Engagement & service Mission & integrity Future-oriented Connected Distinctive Learning-focused
Fundamental Shifts In Evaluation Process SMSU will be among the first institutions to be evaluated using recently revised and adopted criteria Experience from 1995 self-study and site visit will help but will not be duplicated
From inputs and resources to results From teaching to teaching & learning From a look backwards to a future focus From autonomy to connection & collaboration From uniformity/stratification to distinctiveness, flexibility, & differentiation Fundamental Shifts
Previous self-studies were snapshots of the past 10 years 2005 self-study will show how SMSU is poised for the future Fundamental Shifts
Creating the Self-Study “…the overriding goal of the self- study is to show that SMSU is mission focused and guided by a long-range vision.”
How...? How do we create a self-evaluation process that is meaningful, useful, and will make a significant difference for SMSU? What forums do we use for raising the most important questions and holding the meaningful conversations that make this significant difference possible? How do we connect the self-evaluation to the criteria and the self-study process?
How do we write a self-study that assures peer institutions of our distinctive quality and advances the work and purposes of SMSU? “Serving the common good by assuring and advancing the quality of higher learning.” HLC mission statement How...?
Use existing university committees to the fullest extent possible Handbook pdf How...?
Minimize duplication in 2005 self-study and next long-range plan Both will be 18-month process beginning January 2004 How...?
Long-Range Plan will be submitted as Part 1 of the Self-Study Summary evaluation of the processes will be Part 2 How...?
HLC Steering Committee Dr. Jim Baker Assistant to the President Dr. Sue George Teacher Education Dr. Barbara Bushman Graduate College Dr. John Catau University College Dr. Tom Dicke History Dr. Frank Einhellig* Graduate College Mr. Don Simpson Enrollment Services Dr. Tammy Jahnke* Chemistry Dr. Martha Kirker* Assessment Dr. Etta Madden English Dr. Pete Richardson Management Dr. Roger Sell Academic Development Dr. Lois Shufeldt* Marketing Dr. Bill Cheek* Natural and Applied Sciences HLC Review Committee (1997-present) and Executive Committee Jim Baker, Frank Einhellig, Martha Kirker, Lois Shufeldt, Bill Cheek-Chair Also serving on UPAC Jim Baker, Roger Sell, Lois Shufeldt, Bill Cheek
NCA/HLC Review Committee has been working since HLC Steering Committee has been working since 2002 Now meeting twice monthly HLC Steering Committee
Self-Study Goal and Objectives While affirming that Southwest Missouri State University (SMSU) fulfills all criteria for continuing accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission, the overriding goal of the self-study is to show that SMSU is mission focused and guided by a long-range vision. Southwest Missouri State University is a multi-campus metropolitan university system* with a statewide mission in public affairs whose purpose is to develop educated persons while focusing on five themes: professional education, health, business and economic development, creative arts, and science and the environment. To what extent do these foci influence the Institution’s many functions? * SMSU-West Plains is an open enrollment, two-year institution separately accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is not included in this self-study.
Self-Study Goal and Objectives Objective 1. To evaluate the effectiveness of the University’s continuous planning processes, performance measures, student learning outcomes measures, and the integration of those processes in support of the mission of the Institution. Objective 2. To identify strengths, issues of concern, and opportunities for improvement. Objective 3. To involve the University’s many constituencies in the evaluation of institutional structures, processes, and programs, relative to the criteria for accreditation. Objective 4. To establish and implement a plan for systematic collection and evaluation of information that will facilitate future: (1) accreditation activities for the Higher Learning Commission and programmatic accreditations and (2) continual improvement of university functions. Approved 11/14/03 by HLC Steering Committee
Preparation for 2005 HLC Self-Study and Long-Range Vision and Five-Year Plan
Questions to Consider... Add two or three questions appropriate for the group