Chapter 5: Digestive System Alimentary Canal Gastrointestinal Tract
In this chapter you will Name the organs of the digestive system and describe their locations and functions. Define combining forms for organs and the meaning of related terminology using these word parts.
Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination
Anatomy and Physiology
Oral Cavity (p. 143) gums teeth Mastication Deglutition Papillae hard palate soft palate uvula tonsils cheek tongue lip
Teeth p. 143 central incisor lateral incisor canine first premolar second premolar first molar second molar third molar wisdom tooth
Tooth p. 144 enamel crown dentin pulp root
Salivary Glands p. 145 Parotid gland Sublingual gland Submandibular
Gastrointestinal Tract p. 146 esophagus liver gallbladder stomach duodenum
Gastrointestinal Tract p. 146 liver gallbladder stomach duodenum pancreas transverse colon jejunum descending colon ascending colon ileum sigmoid colon cecum rectum appendix anus
Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas (p. 149) common bile duct pancreatic duct duodenum pancreas
Liver Besides producing bile and releasing bilirubin, the liver: helps maintain normal blood glucose levels manufactures blood proteins necessary for clotting removes toxins and poisons from the blood
Pathway of Food Through GI Tract – page 151
Chapter 5 Terminology P. 152-154
perianal peri- surroungd an/o: anus -al - pertaining to Pertaining to surrounding the anus
appendectomy append/o: appendix -ectomy Surgical removal of the appendix
appendicitis appendic/o: appendix -itis: inflammation Inflammation of the appendix
buccal mucosa bucc/o: cheek -al The mucous membrane lining the cheek
cecal cec/o: cecum (where the small and large intestines connect) -al Pertaining to the cecum
celiac celi/o: abdomen, belly -ac Pertaining to the abdomen
cheilosis cheil/o: lip -osis: abnormal condition Abnormal condition of the lip
cholecystectomy cholecyst/o: gallbladder -ectomy Removal of the gallbladder
choledochotomy choledoch/o: common bile duct -tomy: Incision of the common bile duct
colostomy col/o: colon (large intestine) -stomy New opening of the colon to the outside of the body
colonic colon/o: colon (large intestine) -ic Pertaining to the colon
colonoscopy colon/o -scopy Process of visual examination of the colon
dentibuccal dent/i: teeth bucc/o: cheek -al Pertaining to tooth and cheek
duodenal duoden/o: duodenum (first part of the small intestine) -al: Pertaining to the duodenum
enterocolitis enter/o – small intestine col/o – large intestine -itis - inflammation Inflammation of the small and large intestines
enterocolostomy enter/o - small intestine col/o – large intestine -stomy – new opening New opening between the small and large intestines
mesentery mes/o: middle enter/o Membrane that holds the intestines together Literally: middle of the intestines
parenteral par-: apart from, abnormal enter/o - intestines -al Pertaining to apart from the intestines Delivery of substances any way other than through the digestive tract
esophageal esophag/o: esophagus -eal Pertaining to the esophagus
facial faci/o: face -al Pertaining to the face
gastrostomy gastr/o -stomy New opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall May be necessary to introduce food into the stomach
PEG – percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
gingivitis gingiv/o: gums -itis Inflammation of the gums
hypoglossal hypo- gloss/o -al Pertaining to under the tongue
hepatoma hepat/o -oma Tumor of the liver Malignant
hepatomegaly hepat/o -megaly Enlargement of the liver
ileocecal sphincter ile/o: ileum cec/o: cecum -al Sphincter: ring of muscles Pertaining to the ring of muscles between the ileum and the cecum
ileitis ile/o - ileum -itis - inflammation Inflammation of the ileum
ileostomy ile/o - ileum -stomy - new opening New opening of the ileum to the outside of the body
choledochojejunostomy choledoch/o – common bile duct jejun/o - jejunum -stomy – new opening New opening between the common bile duct and the jejunum
gastrojejunostomy gastr/o - stomach jejun/o: jejunum -stomy - new opening New opening between the stomach and the jejunum
labial labi/o: lip -al Pertaining to the lip
laparoscopy lapar/o - abdomen -scopy - visual examination Visual examination of the abdomen
sublingual sub-: under, below lingu/o: tongue -al Pertaining to under the tongue
submandibular sub- mandibul/o: mandible (lower jaw bone) -ar Pertaining to under the lower jaw
orthodontist orth/o: straight odont/o: tooth -ist Dentist specializing in straightening teeth
periodontist peri- odont/o -ist Dentist specializing in gums
endodontist endo- within odont/o -ist Dentist specializing in operating within the tooth root canal specialist
oral or/o: mouth -al Pertaining to the mouth
palatoplasty palat/o: palate (roof of the mouth) -plasty Surgical repair of the palate
pancreatitis pancrat/o: pancreas -itis Inflammation of the pancreas
peritonitis peritone/o: peritoneum -itis Inflammation of the peritoneum
pharyngeal pharyng/o: pharynx -eal Pertaining to the throat
proctologist proct/o: anus and rectum log/o: study of -ist: specialist Specialist in the study of anus and rectum
pyloroplasty pylor/o: pylorus, pyloric sphincter -plasty Surgical repair of the pyloric sphincter
rectocele rect/o: rectum -cele: hernia Hernia of the rectum
sialadenitis sialaden/o: salivary gland -itis Inflammation of salivary glands
sigmoidoscopy sigmoid/o: sigmoid colon -scopy Visual examination of the sigmoid colon
stomatitis stomat/o: mouth -itis Inflammation of the mouth
amylase amyl/o: starch -ase: enzyme Enzyme that digests starch
biliary bil/i: bile -ary Pertaining to bile
hyperbilirubinemia hyper- bilirubin/o: bilirubin -emia Excess bilirubin in the blood
cholelithiasis chol/e: bile, gall lith/o: stone -iasis: abnormal condition Abnormal condition of gall stones
achlorhydria a- without, lack of chlorhydr/o: hydrochloric acid -ia Pertaining to a lack of hydrochloric acid
gluconeogenesis gluc/o – sugar ne/o – new -genesis – production/formation Production of new sugar from proteins and fats Done by the liver
hyperglycemia hyper- glyc/o -emia High blood sugar
glycogenolysis glycogen/o -lysis Breakdown of glycogen to form sugar (glucose)
lipoma lip/o - fat -oma - tumor Tumor of fat benign
cholecystolithiasis cholecyst/o – gall bladder lith/o - stones -iasis - abnormal condition Abnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder
protease prote/o: protein -ase - enzyme Enzyme that digests protein
sialolith sial/o: saliva -lith: stone Salivary (gland) stone
steatorrhea steat/o: fat -rrhea: flow, discharge Discharge of fats (in feces)
lipase lip/o - fat -ase – enzyme Enzyme to digest fats
hematochezia hemat/o - blood -chezia: defecation, elimination of wastes Bright red blood in the feces
choledocholithiasis choledoch/o – common bile duct lith/o -iasis Abnormal condition of stones in the common bile duct
postprandial post- after -prandial - meal Pertaining to after meals
Pathology of Digestive System Anorexia – Lack of appetite Ascites – Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen Dysphagia – Difficulty swallowoing
Pathology of the Digestive System Jaundice – yellow-orange coloration of the skin and whites of eyes caused by high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Occurs with Hemoloysis Liver Disease Obstruction of bile flow into duodenum
Pathology of the Digestive System Melena – black tarry stools indicating digested blood from bleeding in upper GI tract. Esophageal Varices – Swollen, twisted veins at the lower end of the eshagus
Pathology of the Digestive System GERD – Gastroesophageal reflux disease Crohn Disease – Chronic inflammation of the GI tract. IBD – irritable bowel disease Diverticulitis – Abnormal outpouchings in the intestinal wall
Pathology of the Digestive System Cirrhosis – chronic, degenerative disease of the liver. Hepatitis – Inflammation of the liver caused by a virus HEP A, B, and C
Pathology of the Digestive System Cancers of the GI Tract Pancreatic Cancer Colon-Rectal Cancer Gastric Cancer Esophageal Cancer
Abbreviations – Page 200 GI MRI PEG Tube TPN BE HBV