1 Communication Skills for Non- native speakers of English Communication Skills for Non- native speakers of English
2 Why a presentation skills course designed for Non-native speakers of English 1.Verbal and non-verbal communication styles can differ from culture to culture. 2.Non-native speakers of English need to be aware of these style differences and practice them, so they can transmit their knowledge, ideas and opinions more successfully. 3. To increase the effectiveness of your presentations so that you can more successfully compete in an American business environment.
3 Agenda 1. Identify your desirable presentation style and strategy 2. Affirm your American greeting style 3. Learn and practice important body languages and vocal skills 4. organize and present your information clearly and efficiently 5. Improve visual aid technique and coordination
4 Benefits Increase your awareness of essential American presentation styles Improve your physical and organization skills Reduce nervousness and enhance your confidential level Improve your ability to compete and succeed in a U.S. business environment
5 6. Learn and practice American presentation language strategies 7. Handle Q&A sessions confidently 8. Practice and sharpen your American group participation skills
6 Greetings and Introductions Setting: Business or Social Familiarity Gender Personality Culture Family background
7 Business Greeting Guideline Men and women are greeted the same way in business. although the degree of firmness in the handshake differs.
8 First time Do not wait. Be the first to extend your hand. Use a firm and brief handshake Smile and make eye contact while shaking hands Introduce yourself "Hello my name is Gil Dong Hong" Wait for his/her name, then say: "It is nice to meet you"
9 Next time you meet Hi, Kim. It is nice to see you again. How are you? Or, say your own name first to save them the embarrassment, “This is Gil Dong Hong... Hi Kim, how are you?
10 Social Greetings First time: Same as a first time business greeting Next time: -Woman may kiss women on the cheek - Men and women may kiss each other on the cheek - Men shake hands with other men
11 Questions?