LIP WHITE l Candidiasis l Squamous Cell Carcinoma l Actinic Cheilitis l Smoker’s Keratosis l Candidiasis l Squamous Cell Carcinoma l Actinic Cheilitis l Smoker’s Keratosis
LIP RED & PIGMENTED l Angular Cheilitis (= Perleche) Commissure l Hemangioma l Labial Melanotic Macule (=Ephelis) l Angular Cheilitis (= Perleche) Commissure l Hemangioma l Labial Melanotic Macule (=Ephelis)
LIP ULCERS l Traumatic l Herpetic l Erythema Multiforme –Hypersensitivity (Herpes, Sulfa) Reaction of Skin (Bull’s Eye) and Mucosa (Ulceration) l Traumatic l Herpetic l Erythema Multiforme –Hypersensitivity (Herpes, Sulfa) Reaction of Skin (Bull’s Eye) and Mucosa (Ulceration)
LIP EXOPHYTIC / ELEVATED l Fibroma l Papilloma l Mucocele l Angioedema l Fibroma l Papilloma l Mucocele l Angioedema
LIP DEVELOPMENTAL l Commisural Lip Pit
BUCCAL AND LABIAL VESTIBULE l White l Red l Ulcer l Anatomy l White l Red l Ulcer l Anatomy
VESTIBULE WHITE l Linea Alba l Cheek Bite l Snuff Dipper’s l Aspirin Burn l Linea Alba l Cheek Bite l Snuff Dipper’s l Aspirin Burn l Leukoedema l White Sponge Nevus l Lichen Planus l SCC l Fordyce’s Granules l Leukoedema l White Sponge Nevus l Lichen Planus l SCC l Fordyce’s Granules
VESTIBULE WHITE l Linea Alba l Cheek Bite l Snuff Dipper’s l Aspirin Burn l Leukoedema l White Sponge Nevus l Lichen Planus l SCC l Fordyce’s Granules l Linea Alba l Cheek Bite l Snuff Dipper’s l Aspirin Burn l Leukoedema l White Sponge Nevus l Lichen Planus l SCC l Fordyce’s Granules
VESTIBULE EXOPHYTIC l Stensen’s Papilla l Parulis l Stensen’s Papilla l Parulis
VESTIBULE RED / PIGMENTED l Erosive Lichen Planus l Amalgam Tattoo l Erosive Lichen Planus l Amalgam Tattoo
VESTIBULE ULCER l Apthous l Traumatic l Apthous l Traumatic
DERMATOLOGIC LESIONS l Actinic Keratosis l S C C l Keratoacanthoma l Basal C C l Actinic Keratosis l S C C l Keratoacanthoma l Basal C C l Systemic Lupus l Rosacea l Herpes Zoster l Nevus l Melanoma l Neurofibroma l Systemic Lupus l Rosacea l Herpes Zoster l Nevus l Melanoma l Neurofibroma l Seborrheic Keratosis l Senile Sebaceous Hyperplasia l Trichoepithelioma l Syringoma l Sebaceous Cyst l Epidermal Cyst
DERMATOLOGIC LESIONS LIST l Actinic Keratosis l S C C l Keratoacanthoma l Basal C C l Seborrheic Keratosis l Sebaceous Hyperplasia l Trichoepithelioma l Syringoma l Sebaceous Cyst l Epidermoid Cyst l Milia l Systemic Lupus l Rosacea l Herpes Zoster l Nevus l Melanoma l Neurofibroma l Actinic Keratosis l S C C l Keratoacanthoma l Basal C C l Seborrheic Keratosis l Sebaceous Hyperplasia l Trichoepithelioma l Syringoma l Sebaceous Cyst l Epidermoid Cyst l Milia l Systemic Lupus l Rosacea l Herpes Zoster l Nevus l Melanoma l Neurofibroma
ACTINIC KERATOSIS l Sun Damaged Skin l Scaling, Kertotic, & Erythematous l Appears Gray to Deep Brown l Premalignant l Sun Damaged Skin l Scaling, Kertotic, & Erythematous l Appears Gray to Deep Brown l Premalignant
S C C l Resembles B C C –Enlarging Ulceration –Central Crust –Indurated Base l Regional & Distant Metastasis l M > F l Resembles B C C –Enlarging Ulceration –Central Crust –Indurated Base l Regional & Distant Metastasis l M > F
KERATOACANTHOMAKERATOACANTHOMA l Resembles S C C l “Self Healing Carcinoma” l Pink Dome > Keratin Plug > Crater >Healing l May Exhibit Aggressive Destruction of Tissue l Resembles S C C l “Self Healing Carcinoma” l Pink Dome > Keratin Plug > Crater >Healing l May Exhibit Aggressive Destruction of Tissue
BASAL C C l Nodulo Ulcerative: Translucent Papule >Enlarges Slowly > Central Depression >Firm Border >Ulcerates l Men >40 l Nodulo Ulcerative: Translucent Papule >Enlarges Slowly > Central Depression >Firm Border >Ulcerates l Men >40
SEBORRHEIC KERATOSIS l Elevated, Verrucous l Brown, Black, Greasy l “Stuck On” l Older Individuals l Elevated, Verrucous l Brown, Black, Greasy l “Stuck On” l Older Individuals
SEBACEOUS HYPERPLASIA l Elevated l Soft l Flesh or Yellow Color l Central Punctum l Forehead l Middle Age l Elevated l Soft l Flesh or Yellow Color l Central Punctum l Forehead l Middle Age
TRICHOEPITHELIOMATRICHOEPITHELIOMA l Hair Follicle Lesion on Upper Face l Flesh-Colored Papule l Dome-Shaped l Adjacent to Nose l Hair Follicle Lesion on Upper Face l Flesh-Colored Papule l Dome-Shaped l Adjacent to Nose
SYRINGOMASYRINGOMA l Multiple Papules –Pebble Like l Flesh or Yellow Color l Upper & Lower Eyelids l Adenoma of Sweat Ducts l Onset in Adolescence l Multiple Papules –Pebble Like l Flesh or Yellow Color l Upper & Lower Eyelids l Adenoma of Sweat Ducts l Onset in Adolescence
SEBACEOUS CYST l Dome Shaped l Superficial l Hair Bearing Area l Slow Growing l Surgical Removal l Dome Shaped l Superficial l Hair Bearing Area l Slow Growing l Surgical Removal
EPIDERMOID CYST l Follicular Cyst (Hair Follicle) l Elevated, Firm l Central Pore l Thick Keratinous Contents l Slow Growing l cm l Follicular Cyst (Hair Follicle) l Elevated, Firm l Central Pore l Thick Keratinous Contents l Slow Growing l cm
MILIAMILIA l Tiny Epidermoid Cysts (1 - 2 mm) l Contains Keratin l Around Eyes l Tiny Epidermoid Cysts (1 - 2 mm) l Contains Keratin l Around Eyes
SYSTEMIC LUPUS l Butterfly Rash
ROSACEAROSACEA l Erythema of “Flush Area” l Chronic Acne l Mimics Lupus l F > M, 20 to 60 Years l Erythema of “Flush Area” l Chronic Acne l Mimics Lupus l F > M, 20 to 60 Years
HERPES ZOSTER l Vesicles > Erythema > Crust l Unilateral Distribution Along Innervation l Vesicles > Erythema > Crust l Unilateral Distribution Along Innervation