Orangutans By: Carter
Classification and Description Pongo Pygmaeus pounds Orange, red to gray, brown Young males don’t have cheek pouches
Biome Tall trees Sumatra and Borneo Soggy and wet Rain forest
Life Cycle 1-2 babies every 8 years Stay with mother years Omnivore 35 years wild; 50 in captivity
Adaptations Cheek pouches Umbrellas Long arms Camouflage in jungle
Reasons for Endangered Status Mercury Deforestation Tigers, leopards, large pythons Kept as pets
Conservation 6600 Protected areas in Borneo Orphan orangutan centers Donate money, educate others
Fun Facts Arms built for climbing Person of the forest Durian Rarely comes to ground
Resources Green,Carl. The Orangutan. Don, Wilson. Mammals. www. Orangutans-sos.kids.org