Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanism RHS 247 Lecture 5: Articulation – Part 2 Dr. Aseel Alkhamees
Articulators and associated structures Function of the mouth: It divided into: 1- Biological functions: its establishes communication between the digestive and respiratory tracts and the exterior. 2- Non-biological functions: it modify the resonant characteristics of the vocal tract and may also generate speech sound. Also, it play important role in speech, communication and facial expression. - Pyramid of polyfunction: it contains the organs and structures responsible only or in part for functions of facial expression, mastication, deglutition, breathing and speech.
Lips -It composed of 4 layers of tissue (in order to increase the depth): cutaneous, muscular, glandular, mucous. -Function: most of the muscles of facial expression inserted into the lips, the lower lip is more mobile and faster than the upper lip. Cheeks -Its composed externally of skin and internally of mucus membrane. Glands - its found between the mucous membrane and the musculature of the cheek. - 5 or 6 of these glands open by ducts into the buccal cavity where its opposite to the last morals. - Buccal fat: deep surface of the cheek musculature is covered by mucous membrane.
Tongue -Primary biological function is to taste, mastication, and deglutition. -It’s the most important and the most active of the articulators. -Its modify and shape the characteristics of the oral and associated cavities. -Description: its divided into 4 part: tip, blade, front, and back. The Palate - Its modifies the degree of coupling the nasopharynx and the remainder of the vocal tract. -Its consist of fixed bony plate in front and a muscular valve behind. -It divided into 3 parts:
1- hard palate: its formed by the medial projections of the palatine process and the maxillae. -its covered by mucous membrane. 2- Palatal arch. 3- soft palate: its attached anteriorly to the posterior free boarder of the palatine bones (palatal aponeurosis).
Summary - Function of the mouth (Biological functions and non-biological functions). - Lips: It composed of 4 layers of tissue (cutaneous, muscular, glandular, mucous). - Cheeks - Glands - Tongue: Primary biological function is to taste, mastication, and deglutition and it plays most important and the most active role of the articulators. - The Palate : hard, Palatal arch, and soft palate.