Men Shake hands when greeting each other, maintaining steady eye contact. Hugging and backslapping is a common greeting among friends, and shows a level of non business reaction Woman Kiss each other on the cheek starting with the left cheek and alternating It is formal and informal In general Brazilians leave little space when speaking to each other They are very touchy feely people They often hold arms, touch hands or pat shoulders Insert citation
Verbal Generally very polite Conversations can be held at break-neck speed with plenty of animations and physical contact and frequent interruptions Non Verbal Place a lot of emphasis on nonverbal gestures to enhance their point Communication is generally very polite Gestures Thumbs up means “good” or “positive” Appreciation is expressed by pinching their earlobes between their thumb and forefinger It’s bad luck to not answer a question When two people are close together they rub two index fingers together “O.K.” symbol is equivalent to the American middle finger “Corna” means your wife is cheating on you
Gestures continued… “Screw you” is gestured my making a fist with one hand and slapping it on the top of the other hand Gently pulling the lower eyelid down can indicate “watch out or be careful” or “do you think I am stupid enough to believe that” Holding your hands in front of your body with your wrists loose and brushing your finger tips across each other means I don’t care or I don’t know Pretending to suck your thumb means that one had been left out of is disappointed citation
Brazilians pride themselves on dressing well Men Wear conservative, dark colored business suites Three piece suits typically indicate someone is executive Woman Wear suits or dresses that are elegant and feminine with good quality accessories Urban Areas Very modern Young people wear jeans and skirts Short skirts and dresses are also very common
South Plains Region Gaucho (cowboy style) is still worn Includes ponchos, wide straw hats, baggy pants, known as bommachas and boots Amazon Native Amerindians Wear face paint and traditional tunics Afro Brazilian region of Bahia Woman Wear bright colorful skirts and head scarves citation