The Organelles: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Text and image sources are included using the notes function of the.ppt file
Endosymbiotic origins Unique unions reshaped the tree of life
Architectural Clues Cyanobacterium Chloroplast
A taste for the good life? Paramecium bursaria Mayorella viridis Prorodon viridis The promiscous green alga, Chlorella
Cyanophora paradoxa Trying commitment...
Reduced genomes remain Chloroplast genomes Kb encode about 80 proteins Mitochondrial genomes 16-17Kb encode about 20 proteins Chloroplast genomic reduction is still occurring in higher plants
Relationships aren’t easy!
Protein Import
Mitochondrial Features Mitochondria are typically 0.5-5um in diameter
A new slant on EM imaging
Molecular Architecture
Mitochondrial dynamics and biochemical diversity JC-1 stain Time-lapse 5 sec/frame; several minutes total Video
Going with the flow Example from a hypha of the fungus Phycomyces Video
Mitochondria revealed!
Rapid fission and fusion In a Xenopus tissue culture cell In yeast Video
Dynamin in mitochondrial division Yeast (wt) COS cells Dynamin- related protein::GFP Dynamin inhibition (B,D) results in the formation of reticulate networks Yeast COS cells
Organelles and their genomes are inherited maternally And so are mutations encoded in the mitochondrial genome
Apoptosis Cytochrome C::GFP is lost from mitochondria to the cytosol Video
Plant cell Chloroplasts are typically 1-10um in diameter
Chloroplast ultrastructure Double envelope Thylakoids and stacked grana Stroma Mitochondria Nucleus Starch grain
Grana Freeze fracture of granal face Freeze etch of granal section Photosystem II particles stack grana
Stromal tubule activity Video
FtsZ in chloroplast division wt ftz
Local chloroplast orientation to light in the green alga Mougeotia depends upon microfilaments and calcium Chloroplast movement Actin microfilament / myosin driven cytoplasmic streaming circulates plastids in many plant cells Video
Other types of plastids