Classification Notes
Taxonomy: Science of Classification atch?v=6jAGOibTMuU
Aristotle ( BC) Animals Land Water Air Or Habitat physical differences characteristics Plants trees shrubs herbaceous perennials herbs
Carl (Carolus) Linnaeus ( ) Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: sapiens Carolus von Linnaeus ( ) Swedish scientist who laid the foundation for modern taxonomy
Hierarchical Classification Taxonomic categories –KingdomKing –PhylumPhilip –ClassCame –OrderOver –FamilyFor –GenusGreen –SpeciesSoup
Binomial Nomenclature By Linnaeus Two-word naming system –Genus Noun, Capitalized, Underlined or Italicized –Species Descriptive, Lower Case, Underlined or Italicized Ex. Canis lupus or Canis lupus = Wolf Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens = Human
Scientific vs. Common Taxonomists are required to use Latin because the language is no longer used in conversation and, therefore, does not change. Mephitis mephitis Mouffette Stinktier Skunk
Many organisms have common names. However, a common name can be misleading. Scientific and common names
Scientific VS Common In addition, it is confusing when a species has more than one common name.
BacteriaArchaeaEukarya BacteriaArchaea Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia The three-domain system The six-kingdom system
Archaebacteria Prokaryote Nucleus absent Cell Wall Present Mitochondria Absent Some of each (hetero/auto) Chlorophyll Absent Most Mobile
Eubacteria Prokaryote Nucleus absent Cell Wall Present Mitochondria Absent Some of each (hetero/autotroph) Chlorophyll Present in some Most Mobile
Protista Eukaryote Nucleus Cell walls in some Mitochondria Some auto/some hetero Some chloroplasts; some not Some mobile; some not Algae, paramecia, amoeba
Fungi Eukaryote Nucleus Cell wall Mitochondria Heterotroph No chloroplast Non-mobile mushrooms, yeast
Plantae Eukaryote Nucleus Cell wall Mitochondria Autotroph Chloroplast Non-mobile Examples…really?
Animalia Eukaryote Nucleus No cell wall Mitochondria Heterotroph No chloroplasts Mobile Examples…get your own!
Dichotomous Key