Bcl-2 and its Role in Cancer
Mitochondria in the Cell
Cytochrome C’s Dual Functionality Protein that carries electrons in electron transport chain between mitochondrial membranes BUT released into cytosol, triggers apoptosis Cytochrome_C.png
Bcl-2 family – apoptosis regulators ma_htmlcourse/page3
Stress signal (DNA damage, heat shock) Pro-apoptotic members activated Cytochrome c release via MOMP Cytochrome c complexes with ATP and Apaf-1 (enzyme) Caspase-9 activated, then forms apoptosome with previous complex Caspase cascade to apoptosis Apoptosis Pathway
Viable, but smaller Half die by 6 weeks Smaller kidneys Skeletal development Immune failure Bcl-2 Knockout Mice
tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkoz4iPsXeDUTi1dbV1wzIQsD8sDB7HqkRJaxih9U4 UWe9Cusd-A Non- Hodgkin Lymphoma
Bcl-2 Translocations Found in Cancer
htmlcourse/page3 Overexpression of Bcl-2 on the Outer Membrane of Mitochondria
Inhibiting Bcl-2
m4s3c_3.jpg Potential Therapeutic Undergoing Clinical Trials
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