What Do Specialized Cells Do? Activity 5 What Do Specialized Cells Do?
What structures do all cells have? Which type of structure would a cell have more of if it were specialized for movement? All cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, ribosomes, and a specialized area for converting energy to a usable form. Since movement requires cytoskeletal fibers and energy, these cells would likely have more of these fibers and structures for energy conversion. For more information see your Teacher’s Edition for this activity.
Read the introduction. Examine the photos of the specialized cells at the bottom of the page. Discuss your observations with your partner.
What are the specialized structures and functions of cells? Challenge What are the specialized structures and functions of cells?
Follow the directions on Student Sheet 5 Follow the directions on Student Sheet 5.1, “Specialized Cells,” to complete the simulation. The simulation can be found on the Science and Global Issues page of the SEPUP website at sepuplhs.org/sgi.
Sends and receives signals Neuron (Nerve Cell) Sends and receives signals
Produces and releases insulin to control blood sugar. Pancreatic Cells Produces and releases insulin to control blood sugar.
Causes contractions for movement Contains lots of mitochondria Muscle Cell Causes contractions for movement Contains lots of mitochondria
Absorbs nutrients from food as it passes through the small intestine. Intestinal Cell Absorbs nutrients from food as it passes through the small intestine. Villi – increase surface area so it can absorb food more efficiently.
Macrophage (white blood cell) Digests microbes as part of the immune system
Mitochondria power the flagellum. Sperm Swim to the egg Mitochondria power the flagellum.
Analysis 1 Pick two of the specialized cells that you observed in the computer simulation. For each cell: Pick one specialized organelle or structure and explain its function. Explain what would happen to the cell if the specialized organelle or structure were damaged or missing. Explain what would happen to the organism if the specialized organelle or structure were damaged or missing. Analysis Question 2 can be scored using the Understanding Concepts (UC) Scoring Guide. A sample student response can be found in your Teacher’s Edition for this activity.
What are the specialized structures and functions of cells? Revisit the Challenge What are the specialized structures and functions of cells? The Analysis Question provides a good summary of the structures and functions of some specialized cells. Be sure students understand that all cells contain the structures all cells need for the cellular processes, but that in specialized cells the number and organization of these structures contribute to its function. See your Teacher’s Edition for this activity for specific examples and explanations.
cell microbe organelle Key Vocabulary See Teacher Resources III: Literacy for more information on key vocabulary and the most effective strategies to enhance student vocabulary learning. Note that bold words are formally defined in this activity. Words in regular font are used in the activity, but not formally defined. The definition of a key vocabulary word should not be discussed as a class prior to the formal definition being introduced.